Category Archives: Building

Wall Academic Center
Rendering from Campus News article:

Dates: Built in 2015-2016. New wings scheduled to open in Fall 2016. Renovations to Martin Chemical to be completed in 2017.

Quote: The first component of the plan is the renovation of the Martin Science Building and the construction of the 149,000-square-foot E. Craig Wall Jr. Academic Center. The space will provide a premiere, collaborative space for the departments of chemistry, biology, psychology and environmental studies as well as gathering spaces for the arts, lectures and community building. It includes 20 teaching laboratories, 36 research laboratories, 49 faculty offices, five flexible classrooms and an open forum space with 145 seats for presentations, meetings and performances. In keeping with the college’s commitment to sustainability, the building meets or exceeds LEED Silver specifications. The new space is deliberately placed to complement the travel patterns of students frequenting Chambers Building, E. H. Little Library, Sloan Music Center and other buildings nearby. Strickland, Danielle. New Academic Building Named for E. Craig Wall, Jr. Campus News:

Named for: E. Craig Wall, class of 1959. “Wall, a native of Conway, S. C., played football and baseball at Davidson before graduating in 1959. He served in the U.S. Army before earning an MBA at Harvard Business School in 1962. He returned to Conway to work for Canal Industries Inc., a company founded by his father. Wall eventually became president and director of the company, whose operations stretched across 11 states.  Wall was elected to the Davidson College Board of Trustees as an alumni representative in 1976 and served on the board for more than 21 years, the last eight as chairman, until his death in 1997.” Deem, John. “Davidson College science center to be named for businessman, former trustee.” Charlotte Observer. 14 October 2015.

Chidsey Hall

Dates: Built 2011-2012.  Named in August 2015 Quote: “Though some plants have yet to grow in and a few brick paths are not quite finished, Davidson first new residence hall since 2000 is now open and home to 251 sophomores of the class of 2015.  With a comfortable lounge and a separate study are on… Continue Reading

Newell (Samuel W.) Building

Dates: Built in 2002-2003 to house WDAV radio station. Quote: WDAV on Main Street…” I like the sound of that. It suggests that classical music belongs not just in the concert hall or in the parlor, but in the midst of the daily life of the community. Kim Hodgson. “WDAV on Main Street .” WDAV… Continue Reading

Oak Row

Dates: Built in 1836-37 as dormitory. Fraternity meeting room, 1916-1928, Office of student publications and other organizations, 1928-1950, Music Department Offices, 1950-1969, Art Department Offices and Music practice rooms, 1969-1993, Music practice rooms 1993 to present. Quote: The rows apparently continued as dormitories until 1916 when the fraternities were moved out of Chambers and give… Continue Reading

Ovens Union

Dates: Built 1916-1917 as Alumni Gymnasium. Remodeled as Ovens Student Union in 1952 and expanded in 1963. Demolished in 1972 to make way for E.H. Little Library. Quote: The gift from the Alumni to the College is being realized. It is going to be an attractive and well apportioned building, and is ideally located on… Continue Reading

Patterson Court

Dates: First 12 houses constructed in 1958. Some buildings moved in 1981. Turner House constructed 1999. Quote: Each of the fraternities will have a separate house, and are scheduled for use in the fall of 1958. “We hope that the new court,” he [D. Grier Martin] said, “will be as pioneering and modern in the… Continue Reading

President’s House – Louisiana

Date: Built in 1840s, south-west corner of Main and Griffith Street; demolished in 1934 President Samuel Williamson inhabited the original President’s House only for a short time. The original President’s House did not suit Williamson and with the money from a fundraising campaign, another President’s House named “Louisiana” was constructed in 1850. The house, built where… Continue Reading

Philanthropic Hall

Dates: Built in 1850. Restored in 1956. Placed on National Historic Register in 1972. Named Charlotte Mecklenburg Historic Site in 1976. Quote: Philanthropic Hall is one of the primary landmarks of the Davidson College campus. Built by a society that played a dominant role in the college from its founding, the structure has been used… Continue Reading

Preyer Infirmary

Dates: Built in 1938. Converted to administrative offices in 1992. Quote: With the opening of Davidson’s new $25,000 Infirmary the first step toward the building of the ideal Davidson campus has been completed. This beautiful brick structure stands on the Concord Road just off the Charlotte highway facing the Martin Chemical Laboratory. It is built… Continue Reading

Richardson Hall

Dates: Built in 1960. Dedicated May 26, 1962. Quote: Robert A. Currie, College Business Manager, recently released details of the construction of Davidson’s new dormitory. The building will be composed of sixty-two, two man rooms with a large lounge at the main entrance to the first floor. . . . Each room will be 14… Continue Reading

Rumple Dormitory

Dates: Built in 1903. Demolished in 1955 Quote: The erection and furnishing of this building mark the beginning of a new era of comfort and convenience in student life at Davidson. Although the exterior is almost severely plain, no expense has been spared to make the building a model in light, ventilation, and comfort. A… Continue Reading

Sloan Music Center

Dates: Built as library in 1941. Dedicated May 1, 1942. West wing added in 1958. Remodeled as College Union in 1975. Remodeled in 2002 as the Sloan Music Center. Quote: Why is the 900 Room called the 900 Room? Director of the Union William Brown says that, “In the days when this building was a… Continue Reading

Sentelle Hall

Dates: Built in 1922-23. Remodeled in 1971. Quote: As has been stated, the new dormitories will be modern in every respect. There will be a lavatory room on each floor. Ample shower baths are provided in the basement. Closets ample for all needs are provided in each room. Many applications are being made for rooms… Continue Reading

Shearer Hall

  Dates: Built in 1837-38. Remodeled and named Shearer Hall in 1901. Demolished in 1960. Quote: In 1901, President Shearer, known to the students as “Old Puss” decided he wanted a building named for his wife. so he pulled down an original professor’s house (known as Tammany Hall) and added the east wing to the… Continue Reading

Sparrow’s Nest

Dates: Built in 1840s. Boarding house 1915 into 1920s. Acquired by College in 1908. Remodeled in 1961, 1974. Campus Security office 1974-1990. Physical Plant office 1990-1999. Quote: This little house, which stands next to the college laundry, was built before the Civil War to house servants for the “Sparrow’s Nest.” A certain Mr. Sparrow, one… Continue Reading

Smith House

Dates: Built in 1897 as faculty house. Used as administrative offices in 1960s. Student dormitory 1972-1992. Remodeled as offices for College Relations in 1992. Quote: . . . on the northernmost edge of college property just south of Glasgow Street, was the site chosen in 1896 for what Prof. Henry Louis Smith wanted, “a home… Continue Reading

Steward’s Hall

Dates: Built in 1836-37. Demolished in 1909. Quote: The first non-residential building erected on the old quadrangle was the Steward’s Hall (completed a year before the chapel) at which all students were required to eat. They furnished much of the food themselves because in those early days of self-help students worked (in accordance with ages… Continue Reading

Stowe Tennis House

Dates: Built in 1968. Quote: The small building was erected immediately to the northwest of the varsity tennis courts which are northeast of Johnston gymnasium, and was designed by Grover C. Meetze, Jr., director of physical plant to blend with the prevailing campus architecture.Daivdson College Bulletin. May 1968 Named for: Robert Lee Stowe, Jr., class… Continue Reading

Watson Life Sciences

Dates: Built in 1998. Dedicated October 1, 1998. Quote: The college has just completed construction on the $13-million, 42,000-square-foot Watson Life Sciences Building. It is linked by the Blanche Knox Parker Garden and covered walkways to the existing Dana Science Building, and the two structures together form the Baker-Watt Science Complex. . . .The project… Continue Reading

Belk (Katherine and Tom) Visual Arts Center

Dates: Built in 1992-93. Dedicated October 8, 1993. Named September 25, 1998. Quote: The exterior matches the predominant look of campus buildings, red brick with precast trim. Gunn and his colleagues modeled their building on two of Davidson’s oldest and most distinguished buildings, Eumenaean Hall (built in 1849) and Philanthropic Hall (built in 1850). The… Continue Reading

Tomlinson Hall

Dates: Built in 2000 on the site of Lingle Manor. Dedicated as Tomlinson Hall, October 9, 2003 Quote:“RLO Staff expect the new dormitory to have a profound impact on Davidson. ‘The new dorm will shift perception of what constitutes the residential area on campus,” says [Kurt] Holmes.” “Davidson constructs new residence hall” Davidsonian, February 17,… Continue Reading

Vail Commons

Dates: Built in 1980-81. Dedicated November 7, 1981 Quote: The interior of the Commons will be the most dramatic on campus. Seating has been broken up by diagonally-crossing walkways, and lighting canopies will be suspended from the high two-story ceiling over most of the dining areas. A triangular mezzanine will be also allow seating on… Continue Reading

West Hall

Dates: Built in 2000 on the site of Lingle Manor. Quote:&quotRLO Staff expect the new dormitory to have a profound impact on Davidson. ‘The new dorm will shift perception of what constitutes the residential area on campus,” says [Kurt] Holmes.” “Davidson constructs new residence hall” Davidsonian, February 17, 2000. Return to Campus Building List Continue Reading

Watts Hall

Dates: Built in 1906. Burned and rebuilt 1923. Quote: Of great interest to the students, perhaps, is the replacing of Watts Dormitory by a new and complete building, with accommodations for 100 students, twice as many as were provided by the dormitory that was destroyed on February 25th. The Board authorize Dr. Martin and the… Continue Reading

ITS User Services Building

Dates: Built as Post Office in 1957. Remodeled in 1984. Quote: Both the College and community will use a new $55,000 post office being constructed alongside old Carolina Inn on Main Street. The one-story, neo-classical building, leased to the Post Office Department for 20 years, is so designed to make it adaptable to institutional purposes… Continue Reading

Baker Sports Complex

Dates: Knobloch Tennis Center built in 1985. Baker Sports Complex dedicated November 11, 1989. Charles A. Cannon Pool dedicated January 25, 1992. Vance Athletic Center addition completed in 2015. Quote: The Baker Sports Complex consists of four major areas: The Louise and Carl Knobloch Tennis Center, The Belk Basketball Arena, The Cannon Pool, and The… Continue Reading


Dates: Probably built in the summer of 1920. Demolished in 1945. Plaque commemorating given in 1992. Quote: Mr. Jackson says “they” are cottages; the “Hill” has dubbed them “Barracks.” Whatever might be their real name — those new dormitories are pretty nifty. “Campussisms.” Davidsonian. 17 September 1920, p. 8. Return to Campus Building List Continue Reading

Belk Hall

Dates: Construction began in 1953. Building dedicated on October 15, 1955. Small fire during renovations in 1971. Bell tower removed for renovations in 1998. Quote: Davidson College has a particular place in its heart and history for Mr. Belk. He became a member of the Board of Trustees in 1929, and was Senior Trustee at… Continue Reading

Blackwell Alumni House

Dates: Built in 1914 as faculty residence. Student residence, 1980-1985. Women’s Center 1980-1982. Remodeled in 1986 as Alumni Office. Remodeled and renamed in honor of long-time employee Nancy Overcash Blackwell in 2000. Quote: The College built this Main Street house in 1914 for Professor Joseph M. McConnell, who would later serve as Davidson’s first academic… Continue Reading

Cannon Dormitory

  Dates: Built in 1923 as West Dormitory. Renovated in 1956-1957 and renamed J. Archie Cannon Hall. Dedicated along with E.H. Little Hall on November 1, 1957. Housed women students for the first time in 1977. Quote: The new dormitory will be modeled along the latest designs for college buildings and will differ somewhat from… Continue Reading

Carolina Inn

Dates: First constructed as a store in 1848. Purchased in 1855 by Hanson Pinkney Helper and remodeled into a thirteen room hotel. Purchased around 1901 by the Sloan family and operated as a boarding house and weekend rooming house for visiting college girls. Purchased by the college in 1946. Used in the 1950s and 1960s… Continue Reading

Grey College Union

Dates: Built as library in 1941. Dedicated May 1, 1942. West wing added in 1958. Remodeled as College Union in 1975. Quote: Why is the 900 Room called the 900 Room? Director of the Union William Brown says that, “In the days when this building was a library, the floor that is now the balcony… Continue Reading

Chambers Building – Old

The Old Chambers Building before and after the fire. Dates: The cornerstone was laid in 1858 and the building was completed in 1860. It burned down on November 21, 1921. The columns remained standing until 1929. Quotes: The whole College Building looks as if the projectors remembered that they were building for a century and… Continue Reading

Cunningham Theatre Center

Dates: Built in 1961 and dedicated as Cunningham Fine Arts Building on October 29, 1961. After a thorough remodeling, in fall 2009, the building was rededicated as the Cunningham Theatre Center. The Cunningham Theatre Center houses the Rupert T. Barber Theatre as the performance centerpiece of the building. Quote: The center is truly unique and… Continue Reading

Chambers Building – New

Dates: Began construction in 1924. South wing building completed in 1925. Cornerstone laid for remainder of building 29 May 1928. Building completed 1929 and dedicated on June 3, 1930. 1966-1967 building renovated. Quote: In the early morning November 28, 1921 Old Chambers burned to the ground. Despite the erroneous idea, which was rather widespread, that… Continue Reading

Dana Science Laboratory

Dates: Groundbreaking October 2, 1958. Dedication April 7, 1960. Third floor renovated at the Porter Natural History Museum. Building renovated 1974. Building renovated 1999. In 1998, the Watson Life Sciences Building was constructed. Jointly Dana and Watson make up the Baker-Watt Science Complex. Quote: The new building, which will be architecturally harmonious with other structures… Continue Reading

Elm Row

Dates: Elm Row was built in 1836-1837 as a dormitory to house 16 students. Two roomswere remodeled in 1885 to serve as an infirmary. In the 1890s, rooms were used by fraternities. In the 1940s, Elm Row housed the Davidsonian LINK offices and in the 1950s, the Music Department. Elm Row was moved from its… Continue Reading

Erwin Lodge

Dates: Built in 1945-46 as a memorial to two brothers killed in WWII. Quote: “Erwin Lodge has been built because it is the one memorial, and the most ideal one, which could be decided upon to fit both the late Erwin brothers’ interests and personalities. Phifer found his sphere of interest in the scientific field,… Continue Reading

Eumenean Hall

Dates: Built in 1849 and dedicated in November 1849. Restored in 1956. Placed on National Historic Register in 1972. Named Charlotte Mecklenburg Historic Site in 1976. Quote: Specifications and Contract for building a Society Hall at Davidson College Mecklenburg County N.C. House to be fifty seven feet long and thirty two wide; lower story two… Continue Reading

Davidson College Presbyterian Church

The Davidson College Presbyterian Church, originally constructed in 1885 (left) was razed in 1950 to make way for the present building (right) completed in 1952. Dates: Brick building constructed in 1885. Building remodeled in 1903-1904. Building enlarged in 1923. Building demolished in 1950. Present building constructed 1950 to 1952. Building dedicated on June 1, 1952.… Continue Reading

Georgia Dormitory

Dates: Built in 1909. Demolished in 1956. Quote: At the time of its [Georgia’s] construction, Rumple and Watts were the only suitable dormitories on the campus and were entirely inadequate for the college needs. The Synod of Georgia launched a campaign and raised the money for its construction. At the time of its building it… Continue Reading

Glasgow House

Dates: Built in 1948. Remodeled as faculty and staff offices in 1988. Named Glasgow House in 1992 by Institutional Advancement staff. Quote: Last summer a four apartment dwelling was erected on College property at a cost of approximately $45,000. Three of the apartments are occupied by professors and their families, and one of them by… Continue Reading

Grey House

Dates: Built in 1850s. Acquired by College in 1859 and used as faculty housing. Professor W.R. Grey lived in the house from 1895 until his death His widow stayed on in the house until 1953. Remodeled in 1971 to serve as a dormitory for women students participating in an exchange program. Served as a dormitory… Continue Reading

Duke Dormitory

Dates: Built in 1939 Quote: This Dormitory incorporates many features new to the Davidson campus. Unlike the other dormitories, Duke has single rooms, double rooms, and suites. It has overhead lighting fixtures, wall brackets with plug-in outlets over the lavatories and baseboard outlets in every room. “Duke Is Opened At Last.” Davidsonian. 28 September 1939:1.… Continue Reading

Jackson Court

  Dates: Built in 1928. Court named in honor of F.L. Jackson in 1960 and converted to residential and office use. Quote: I am glad to reply to your inquiry about our fraternity lodges. You will understand that within these lodges we do not have dormitory facilities or eating facilities. Eleven houses are built in… Continue Reading

Harding House

Dates: Built in 1890. Acquired by College in 1960. Student housing from 1977 to 1987. Remodeled for Financial Aid Office in 1994. Quote: We recommend that the Board order the tearing down of the present “Danville House,” and the erection upon the site thereof a new residence for the use of Prof. Harding, at a… Continue Reading

Student Health Center

Dates: Built in 1880s. Kappa Alpha chapter house, 1922-1927. Acquired by College in 1946 and remodeled as student health center in 1991-92. Quote: The 1,700-square-foot Potts house, built in the 1880s and added onto in the 1920s, faces Main Street. Overcash-Demmitt Architects designed plans to add about 2,500 square feet, with an expansion in back… Continue Reading

Johnston House

Dates: Built circa 1883. Acquired by College in 1961. Student Housing, 1977-1987. Building remodeled for administrative offices in 1992. Quote: As a second grade teacher, she [Julia Johnston] was greatly beloved by all of the children. However, I hated going to her home on Saturday morning to recite the shorter catechism. Remember Davidson was a… Continue Reading

Knobloch Campus Center

Dates: Cornerstone placed November 5, 1948. Dedicated on October 22, 1949 as Charles Johnston Gymnasium. Last basketball game played in gymnasium, February 25, 1989. Remodeled into new Knobloch Campus Center 2000-2001. Alverez Student Union dedicated October 25, 2001; Duke Family Performance Hall dedicated February 23, 2002. Quote: Davidson closed Johnston Gym to college basketball in… Continue Reading

Carnegie Guest House

Dates: Built in 1910. Dedicated September 12,1910. Remodeled in 1921 to house college offices in the basement. Remodeled in 1941 as guest house and headquarters of the YMCA. Library books moved to new Grey Library Building. Student Union from 1972 to 1975. Remodeled in 1976 as Carnegie Guest House. Quote: Most things are good or… Continue Reading

Knox Hall

Dates: Groundbreaking ceremony April 24, 1980. Hall first occupied in September 1981. Quote: Director of Housing Bill Bolding said the new dorms will “pretty much take care of the housing shortage for men, but we could still use a few more rooms for women.” . . . Knox houses only men and Irwin is coed… Continue Reading

Lula Bell Houston Laundry

Dates: Built in 1919. Quote: Davidson initiated its mandatory laundry service in the 1919-1920 academic year, “for hygenic and other reasons” at a cost of $2 per month.” “The Davidson Laundry: Keeping the Student Body Clean” Davidson Journal. Spring 2003, p 20. Named for: Lula Bell Houston, laundry employee for 57 years, upon her retirement… Continue Reading

Little Hall

Dates: Built in 1956 on the site of Rumple Dormitory (1903-1955). Dedicated on November 1, 1957. Quote: As a climax to the [Commencement] exercises, Dr. Cunningham announced that a new college dormitory would bear the name of Mr. Little, who is a member of the college’s Board of Visitors and has been a leader in… Continue Reading

Lingle Manor

Dates: Built in the 1870s. Miss Lucy Jurney’s School for Boys and Girls” in the early 1880s. Purchased by Leonidas Glasgow in 1886. Purchased by Lingle Family in 1939. Given to Davidson College in 1961. Student activity center from 1962 to 1967. Art Department and Black Student Coalition building in the 1970s. Remodeled as student… Continue Reading

Morrison Hall

Dates: Built in 1890. Demolished in 1945. Quote: During its 55 years of service parts of Morrison hall have at one time or another served as a Y.M.C.A., a study hall, a gymnasium, a skating rink, a lecture hall, a dormitory, class rooms, a biological laboratory, R.O.T.C. Armory and storerooms, and more recently has housed… Continue Reading

Martin Court

Dates: Three buildings, including Hart (dedicated 1994) and Jamison Halls, were constructed in 1988. Ryburn Hall (dedicated 1994) and Flowe Hall (dedicated 1994) were constructed in 1991. A sixth “F” building was constructed in 1995. The complex of apartments was dedicated as D. Grier Martin Court on October 26, 1990. Quote: Apartment-style buildings have proven… Continue Reading

Little Library

Dates: Built in 1972-1974. Dedicated on September 27, 1974. Quote: The E. H. Little Library, planned for the future, has many links with the past. The literary societies, which had assembled the first libraries at Davidson as early as the 1830’s, were memorialized with handsome insignia at either end of the loggia. The Peter Stuart… Continue Reading

Martin Chemical Laboratory New

Martin Chemical Building 2015 Dates: Built in 1941-1944. Dedicated April 14, 1944. Remodeled in 1960. Renovated in 1978. Rededicated Martin Chemical Laboratory in 1980. Renovated in 1997. Quote: The big lecture room in the middle of the ground floor of Martin Chemistry Building looked for all the world like a low-budget poolhall in late July.… Continue Reading

Martin Chemical Laboratory Old

Dates: Built in 1899-1901. Demolished in 1940. Quote: The Science Hall is at last an assured fact. Plans for the building have been adopted by the Trustees. It is to be very complete and convenient and will contain an elegant room for the display of natural history. The building will cost $15,000, and one generous… Continue Reading

Mary Irwin Belk Hall

Dates: Groundbreaking ceremony April 24, 1980. Hall first occupied in September 1981. Quote: The new room feature a modular furniture system which allows many different room arrangements, including several types of lofts. Students build lofts by stacking their beds on any two of the other furniture pieces: the closet, bureau-and-shelf, or desk-and-shelf. Mann, Jeffrey. “Knox… Continue Reading

Davidson College Campus Buildings

The Davidson College campus has changed over the years from the original collection of dormitories, houses, and Chapel gathered around the D. At the turn of the twentieth century, the campus holds more than sixty buildings. Below you will find an interactive map and a list of current and historical buildings. Click on the building… Continue Reading

Akers Hall

Dates: Built in 1984. Became first co-ed residence hall in 1995. Quote: After almost a year of heated debate, Davidson is gets its first taste of co-ed living in in sophomore housing. The first floor of Akers Residence Hall, settled beneath the trees in what is typically referred to as “Sophomore Nation,” is the site… Continue Reading