James Bayliss Smith (1870) 11 April 1868 Letter

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Davidson College N C Apr 11th/68

Friend Addison, I have deferred answering your letter too long, but when I received it I was very busy preparing for examination and did not have time to answer it but put it off till vacation. We only had two days vacation and I did not find time to write even then. But let me tell you what I did and how I occupied my time. Thursday evening about five oclock we were [word “examined”? crossed out] dismissed , and that evening I could not do anything of course for thinking and talking about the events of the examination. I stood the examination as well as I would wish and had nothing discouraging to

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look back upon. But what did I do the next day? If you will wait till I go and get my supper I will tell you a little about it.

Hindrances will occur sometimes. I left off my writing at half past five for supper and tis now ten and my letter still unfinished but I may be excused on the grounds that I was loafing around the Post office till the coming of the mail and then had a letter to read and think about. Also a new student came in this evening from South Carolina and I had to pay my respects to him. But what was I talking about before this digression. Yes: I occupied Friday of vacation in scouring and whitewashing my room which I think was both healthy

and praiseworthy exercise. We are now [underlined:] living at home [end of underline] in as neat a room as any body’s who dont have ladies to keep it in order for them. [underlined:] Aint they useful creatures about a house. [end of underline] I think I shall try to get me one when I leave college, that is if I can find a coop to keep her in. Dont tell them how I talk about them for I might stand a poor hack among them if they were to turn loose their batteries on me. Please tell W.G. just to hold on till I get there. If he wants to fly around Miss A— and I will help him. I dont like to see one man have so much to do by himself. You can help him with Miss Martin, and try to keep him engaged as much as possible in that direction so as to draw his attention from my field

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of action; but whatever you do don’t let him get the better of you on fair and open grounds. If you see Lou soon tell her she may expect a letter from me shortly. My very best regards to all inquiring friends and especially to Miss A—-[underlined:] don’t forget it.[end of underline] Write soon and a long letter.

But I cant omit telling you of a party we had a few evenings since. It was gotten up by the students. I had a very good time at the party but had to walk a little too far after it was over, conducted a lady to her home about a mile from this place. I think it is my last one till I land in the old Palmetto State. How are political affairs at home?

Tell me all news social and political when you write. I must go to bed so good night & pleasant slumbers with sweet visions of Miss Pallie.

Your true friend &c

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From: DC0083s Smith, James Bayliss, 1849-1872 (1870). Papers, 1868-1870. (View Finding Aid)
Cite as:
Smith, James Bayless. Letter to Addison. 11 April 1868. DC0083s. James Bayless Smith Papers. Davidson College Archives, Davidson College, NC. Available: https://davidsonarchivesandspecialcollections.org/archives/digital-collections/james-bayliss-smith-letter-11-apr-1868/.

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