Dates: Built in 1923 as West Dormitory. Renovated in 1956-1957 and
renamed J. Archie Cannon Hall. Dedicated along with E.H. Little Hall on
November 1, 1957. Housed women students for the first time in 1977.
Quote: The new dormitory will be modeled along the latest designs
for college buildings and will differ somewhat from any now on campus. It is
to be a fire-proof brick building with four stories in height with a basement
in addition. The only wood that will be used in the construction of this
building will be used in making the floors, doors, and window frames. The
front will resemble the old Chambers building to the extent that four columns
will support the roof. “Contractors Preparing to Start Work on
Dormitory.” Davidsonian. 24 February 1922: 1.
Named for: J. Archie Cannon (1882-1956)
Vice President, Trustees of Davidson College (1936-1956)
President, Board of Regents, Presbyterian Orphan’s Home,
Barium Springs, North Carolina (1944-1950)
Chairman, Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Davidson Trustees (1941-1956)
Dedicatory Convocation Program. Dormitories – General file. Davidsoniana
file. Davidson College Archives.
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