Carolina Inn

Dates: First constructed as a store in 1848. Purchased in 1855 by
Hanson Pinkney Helper and remodeled into a thirteen room hotel. Purchased
around 1901 by the Sloan family and operated as a boarding house and weekend
rooming house for visiting college girls. Purchased by the college in 1946.
Used in the 1950s and 1960s as a Teen Canteen. Renovated in 1971. Designated
as a Charlotte Mecklenburg Historic Site in 1977.

Quote: In reference to the addition of a widow’s walk on the roof of
the inn: “We give you a Fresh’s description of what a ‘what-you-may call-em’
lately built by one of our citizens. His philosophy was that ‘Mr. H. had no
place for a flower garden in front of his residence, so he put it on top of
the dwelling.’ Another Fresh corrected this statement by the assertion that it
was either a ‘cupillary’ or an ‘observery’ he didn’t know which.” Davidson
College Monthly,
March 1872:40.

For more information see Around the D blog: Underneath the Carolina Inn.

Davidson Encyclopedia entry

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