Court of Control

Student standing before four member courtIn 1923, “On Saturday April 7th, the student body of Davidson College voted unanimously to abolish every form of hazing that had existed in the college, and to leave to a body of eight men the important task of supervising the Freshmen.”  This body, consisting of four seniors, two juniors, and two sophomore, all appointed by “senior members of the student council,” would be called the Freshman Court of Control.

The 1946 Quips and Cranks lists the particular responsibilities that the Court of Control:

“The Constitution empowers the Court of Control ‘to hear, investigate, and deal with charges of the upperclassmen against Freshmen of improper conduct, violating Freshman Regulations or breaking college traditions.’

The Court has the ‘power to confine to the campus any Freshmen found guilty of an offense not serious enough to warrant his suspension from college. Any matters of conduct that, in the opinion of the Court, are serious enough to justify suspension or dismissal from college are referred to the Student Council for action.’

The Court of Control does not function simply as a court of punishment, but serves a valuable purpose as an advisory board to help Freshmen in becoming adapted to their new college environment.”

Works Cited:

Davidson College. Quips and Cranks vol. 48. Davidson: Davidson College, 1946.

L. W. Dick, “The Freshman Court of Controls,” Davidson College Bulletin, 15 May, 1923. Court of Control (1923) Davidsoniana file. Davidson College Archives, Davidson, NC.

Author: Jim Harris

Date: 22 February 2012

Cite as: Harris, Jim. “Court of Controls,” Davidson College Encyclopedia, 22 February 2012 <>.

Related Entries: Freshman Beanies and Pins, Freshman Regulations

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