
Cover page of first issue of Libertas
First Issue of Libertas

First published in February 1996, Libertas is a student-run publication for Davidson, “conceived by students in response to the recognizable gap that lies between The Davidsonian and Hobart Park” to further the dissemination of the wide ranges of ideas, beliefs and values of the Davidson College community. It is further intended, according to the statement of purpose “to be a publication that provides another forum for extensive and intelligent student and faculty discourse, as well as another arena in which students may experiment with writing, photography, business, and graphic design.”

The Libertas is funded by the SGA and is open to student and faculty and community submissions and discourse.

Works Cited:

“Statement of Purpose.” RG 10/2.22. Libertas: Correspondence and Printed Materials, 1996-. Davidson College Archives, Davidson, NC.

Author: Jim Harris

Date: 1 March 2012

Cite as: Harris, Jim. “Libertas.” Davidson Encyclopedia, 1 March 2012, <>.

Related Entries: Davidsonian, Hobart Park

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