Morrison Hall

photo of the hall

Dates: Built in 1890. Demolished in 1945.

Quote: During its 55 years of service parts of Morrison hall have at
one time or another served as a Y.M.C.A., a study hall, a gymnasium, a skating
rink, a lecture hall, a dormitory, class rooms, a biological laboratory,
R.O.T.C. Armory and storerooms, and more recently has housed the student
store. It has been variously known as: ‘Morrison Hall,’ the ‘old’ gym, the
‘Eagle’s Nest,’ ‘Jackson Hall’ and ‘The Stud.’ Its wall enclosed the first
shower bath, with hot and cold water, to appear on ‘the hill.’ “Workers
Ready to Tear Down Morrison Hall” Charlotte Observer. 5 August 1945.

Named for: Robert Hall Morrison (1798-1889), first president of
Davidson College

Davidson Encyclopedia entry


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