Dates: Built in 1836-37 as dormitory. Fraternity meeting room,
1916-1928, Office of student publications and other organizations, 1928-1950,
Music Department Offices, 1950-1969, Art Department Offices and Music practice
rooms, 1969-1993, Music practice rooms 1993 to present.
Quote: The rows apparently continued as dormitories until 1916 when the
fraternities were moved out of Chambers and give the Rows as meeting halls.
The two interior rooms were done away with and each Row had two halls for the
fraternities which decorated them as they saw fit. The most elaborate was the
south end of Oak Row which was converted into a Greek temple by Beta Theta Pi,
complete with their marble altar which they brought from Chambers. Davidson,
Chalmers. “Oak and Elm Rows.” Flyer. Oak Row Davidsoniana file.
Davidson College Archives.
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