Advances to Energy Efficiency

Have you been in the Library in last few weeks? If so, you have probably noticed that certain areas have been uncomfortably warm. Please know that temperatures throughout the building should improve soon. Davidson is making big strides in converting older mechanical systems to meet current standards for energy efficiency. E. H. Little Library is one of many buildings on campus receiving a mechanical upgrade to provide energy efficient heating and cooling.

The library was built in 1974 and, as you can imagine, is in need of mechanical upgrades. Our air circulation, heating, and cooling systems are controlled by six air handlers, three housed in the basement and three in the penthouse on the roof. The three air handlers in the basement are in the process of being replaced, due for completion in mid-February. The new systems will be digitally controlled, which will allow for optimal efficiency. The Physical Plant has also made improvements to our flow of incoming steam that will make us 50% more energy efficient. This steam is used to heat the building and provide hot water.

Improvements are also being made to some of our restrooms. The Physical Plant remodeled two on the first floor to improve their handicap accessibility. The entrance doors were enlarged and entry areas to the stalls were improved for easier access. Also, this summer all restrooms will be retrofitted with new low-flow toilet flushers and water saving faucets.

And, that’s not all! Did you know that Verizon Wireless has antennas on the roof of the Library? Verizon replaced the 3G antennas last week with the new 4G technology.