It seems like the big library stories in the news these days are all about the latest and greatest technology that is transforming the way students access information. However, at least one of the oldest services that our library provides, study carrels, continues to be quite popular. An email message was sent out on April 3rd letting students know that the carrel sign-up process had begun, and within 12 hours, nearly 125 requests had been received. By the time sign-up ends in May, we expect … [Read more...]
Outdoor Library Facilities
March 20, 2013 By
With spring just around the corner, some classes might be looking for comfortable outdoor spaces to meet. Did you know that the library has an outdoor classroom located to the left of the portico near the main entrance? It consists of a large chalk board and seating for about 12 people. Tall shrubbery surrounds the area and offers a good bit of privacy and sound insulation for your outdoor experience. If you would like to use this facility, chalk and erasers are available from the Information … [Read more...]