Aren’t White Boards Remarkable?!

Our students have an amazing amount of study aids readily available to them here in the library.  There are our books of course, our online resources, and our wonderful librarians.  They have their class notes, handouts from professors, the PRAs, and (as always) the all-knowing Google.  But perhaps the most underrated of all is the humble white board.  Just a step up from ye olde chalk board, the library has numerous white boards scattered around each floor.  There are wall mounted boards in … [Read more...]

Of Chemistry and Conversion

By now, most people know that the contents of the Chemistry Library were moved over to Little last summer in order to make room for a new faculty office in Martin. The move happened quickly -- really quickly! -- with little advance warning. We didn't have the space to shelve the materials in the regular collection, so we had to find -- and cobble together -- temporary shelves. The temporary shelves are just that, though: temporary. Our goal is to integrate the Chemistry Library materials … [Read more...]

Clean-up Day…then a Nice Long Break!

Many students, in their rush to leave campus after final exams, forget that they have left checked-out books and other personal items behind in the library.  So, one of our annual end-of-semester rituals is “clean-up day” where library staff members collect books that need to be returned and discover all sorts of things that need to be reunited with their student owners.  The pictures that accompany this post document the process:   Jean Coates gives the staff instructions for what should be … [Read more...]

African Wildlife Art on Display

Animals have invaded the library!  Lions and zebras and lizards...oh my!  Well, actually paintings of animals  have taken up temporary residence around the first floor.  All are the skillful creations of artist and alumnus Paul Schulz '82 who has traveled around Africa documenting the animals he encountered on his trip to Kenya in 2012. Please plan a trip to the library to view this exhibit, which will remain in place until January.  You can see the paintings and you can read a little more … [Read more...]

The Orr Etchings

E. H. Little Library is home to a complete collection of the Etchings on North Carolina by Louis Orr.  Orr was born in Hartford, Connecticut in 1879.  He attended Hartford Art School, furthered his studies with the Art Students League in New York, and finally moved to Paris in 1906 to study at l’Academie Julian.  During his time there, Orr made a name for himself with his large, atmospheric etchings of Paris.  He eventually became known as the premiere American etcher and was the first living … [Read more...]