When is the last time you visited the music library? While we aren't a very big space, there's a lot to explore in our sunny stacks. In addition to a large western-Classical collection (including the complete works of Bach, Beethoven, Handel, Haydn, and others), we also have growing jazz, musical theater, and popular music collections. When's the last time you dropped a needle onto an LP? We have over 2,000 LPs for you to browse, and 2 turntables available for your use. Ever wonder how many … [Read more...]
New Music Library Display
If you are a frequent visitor to the Sloan Music Center, you may have noticed a new display in the building’s lobby. The music department has kindly allowed the music library to take over the display for a few weeks to exhibit a touring collection of award-winning scores. These scores have been deemed “outstanding examples of graphic design,” and are recipients of the Music Publishers Association’s Paul Revere Award, which “acknowledges publishers for their efforts in creating art for the music … [Read more...]
What’s New at the Library?
The following lists what's new at the Library fall semester, 2013: New Service The shiny red kiosks outside the Information Literacy Learning Center (main floor) and Davidsoniana Room (second floor) are touchscreen interfaces to information about campus buildings, student award winners, library bookplates, and more. New Resources Our new Gale Partnership brings additional databases and a prize competition for students’ digital humanities projects. Periodicals Archive Online: An online … [Read more...]
Another New Face!
Hannah King, another new face in the library, is Davidson's new Music Library Manager. She is a recent graduate of Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ, where she earned a B.M. in Piano and a B.A. in Music, with minors in Philosophy and Piano Pedagogy. She is very excited to be here in Davidson’s music library! Hannah is primarily a classical musician (Baroque and French are her favorite styles), but she also loves musical theater, semi-obscure hipster-y music, and folk music. Bring her … [Read more...]
Settle the Score
Whoa! The score I used last year is on a different shelf this year – what’s up with that?!? Have you noticed that the Music Library has a variety of call numbers? In the “old days,” we used the composer’s last name in the call number: M 21 Mozart 7. We are in the process of updating these call numbers using the correct Library of Congress Classification and Cutters, so that score is now labeled: M22 .M693 E2 1900z We have also created a unique cutter for each composer. When the project is … [Read more...]