New Face?

Wilson Mericle

Wilson Mericle

The months of May and June have brought new faces to the E. H. Little Library. However, one such face should not be wholly unfamiliar to us. Wilson Mericle is the new Collections Assistant (Serials), but you may remember him as a Davidson student and circulation desk worker. Wilson is originally from Morganton, NC, but is happy to be returning to what was essentially his home for four years.

Wilson graduated in May 2012 as a music major. Throughout his time at Davidson, he spent roughly 75% of his time in the music building. Wilson spent at least 12-14 hours a week singing either in voice lessons, the Davidson Chorale, the madrigal group of which he was a co-founder, or in everyday practice. Wilson also performed in three of the Music Department’s Opera Theatre Workshops. His favorite role was that of Count Almaviva in the January 2012 production of Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro).

The other 25% of Wilson’s time was spent either studying or working behind the circulation desk in both the main and music libraries. He started off his work in the E. H. Little library as a shelver, but after a year, moved to a circ-student position. Wilson also worked here during the infamous summer of 2011, witnessing the “wonders” that were the construction of the new first floor layout, the beginnings of LC conversion, the shifting of multiple collections, and locking DVD cases…

Although he is not a new face, Wilson will now get to experience the “other side of the library” in his new role as a Davidson staff member. Wilson will be working with serials, accounts payable, and various other duties behind the scenes in the library. We would like to welcome Wilson back to the library. We are very happy to have him!