Search Results for: concerts

Pop Concerts on Campus: 60 Years of Sound

Over the last 60 years the Davidson campus has hosted hundreds of pop music concerts to celebrate Homecoming, Spring Frolics, Mid-Winters Dances, and Patterson Court reveries. Many were sponsored by the Union Board (formed in 1956), while others were brought by various coordinating committees and campus groups. Acts ranged from 1940’s era Big Bands to 80’s Hair Bands, to Punk Rockers and introspective Indie Poppers.

Dave Matthews Band

Dave Matthews Band

Davidson has also been a venue for soon-to-be-huge bands early in their careers. English rock band The Police (fronted by Sting) performed in 1979-80, only two years after they formed in 1977. The Dave Matthews Band (DMB) performed here twice. The second time was for a mass audience in 2002-03—by that time DMB was a huge success. But, DMB first played Davidson in 1992-93, before the release of their first album (Remember Two Things, November 9, 1993). The show was sponsored by Patterson Court, but was shut down early, after only two hours, when local Davidson residents and the police called President Kuykendall to complain about the noise.

Louis Armstrong playing the trumpet

Louis Armstrong

We were able to draw world-renowned American jazz trumpeter and singer Louis Armstrong to perform four times between 1953 and 1960. The Glenn Miller Band, Tommy Dorsey, and Charlie Spivak also played Davidson in the 1940’s and 50’s. During the 60’s through the 80’s, Davidson saw performances from rock ’n’ roll icons such as The Righteous Brothers, Blue Oyster Cult, The Bangles, and REM, as well as shows by blues and jazz artists like Muddy Waters, Duke Ellington, Earl Scruggs, and Wynton Marsalis. From the 1990’s through today, Davidson has seen a diverse array of indie, funk, jam band, and mainstream acts including the Indigo Girls, George Clinton and the P-funk All-Stars, The Counting Crows, Phish, Widespread Panic, Third Eye Blind, and Bob Dylan.

So, Davidsonians and music lovers rejoice! And look forward to the next half-century of good music.

From Freshman’s Parents Day to Family Weekend

Poster for 1962 Freshman's Parent Day, "Freshmen Beware!"

Poster for 1962 Freshman’s Parent Day

A few weekends ago, the town and campus swelled with visitors for Family Weekend 2015.  Parents and siblings joined students in concerts, fall convocation, sporting events and meals on and off campus.  The origins of this weekend can be found in the 1950s and what was then Freshman Parents Day.

1953 Davidsonian article announcing Freshman Parents Day with the heading, "November 21 Chosen A Frosh Parent Day"

1953 Davidsonian article announcing Freshman Parents Day

The first Parent days were organized by the Freshman Advisers and Councils. In the 1950s, the Freshman Adviser was a senior elected by the student body (but not the freshman class) to “act as adviser and student council representative for the Freshman for the coming year.” Max Devane served as adviser in the fall of 1953. The Wildcat Handbook told new students, “Do not fail to make his friendship; use him during the year for advice and help on any problem.” (1953, p 14)  Devane took on the task of mailing an invitation to all parents of the class of 1957.  The college arranged a number of activities including a presentation by the dean of students, luncheon and attending a football game. What the college could not help with was housing.  The announcement of the day concluded with the warning: “Due to the lack of accommodations in Davidson, students whose parents plan to stay overnight are advised to find places for them in Charlotte or other nearby towns.”

A decade later another Davidsonian article noted that the day was turning into a weekend with more activities being offered on Friday evenings for early arrivals and church services on Sunday for those staying over.

Cropped version of October 9, 1964 article with the heading, "Freshman Parents Will Visit"

Cropped version of October 9, 1964 article.

In 1964, parents were invited to attend a freshman football game against Furman on Friday. Saturday events included campus tours, dormitory visits, and receptions. Richard Burts, the dean of students, noted that “Local ministers will probably be asked to present Parents Day sermons Sunday for those who stay over.”  The 1967 invitation included the notice that “Parents may attend class with their sons on Saturday provided that the professor has extended an invitation.” (Davidsonian 27 October 1967, p1)  — a reminder that there was a time when only sons attended and classes were regularly held on Saturdays.

1970 Parents Day schedule cover

1970 Parents Day schedule

1970 Parents Day schedule

1970 Parents Day schedule

In 1970, the college used the phrase Locus Parentium, “a place for parents” on the schedule and a news release described the day as “The parents of Davidson College’s 290 freshmen will be giving their sons a ‘six-weeks check-up’ when they visit the campus Saturday, Nov.7 for Freshman Parents Day.

By 1975,  with even more activities added, the focus had gone off freshman and the name changed to Parent’s Weekend.  The schedule of events started at 10:30am on Friday with registration, attending classes, a luncheon, appointments with faculty advisors, musical performances, visits to faculty homes, a theatre performance, dinner, more music and drama, and a final 2 hours of Coffee House from 9-11pm. Saturday started at 8:30am and again ran to an evening Coffee House.

The 1980s saw the addition of the International Festival, adding even more color to a weekend full of concerts, convocations, and sporting events. The 1993 weekend offered a bit of controversy as the weekend overlapped with the Theatre Department’s production of Equus. Parents and students mostly took the play and its nudity in stride.

As the weekend expanded, so did awareness that more than parents were involved and the name changed again to Family Weekend.  Happily, there are more hotel rooms in the area and in 2015 even more local restaurants to keep the lines at Vail Commons from being too long.

Brochure to 2002 weekend

Brochure to 2002 weekend

The Davidson-R.E.M. Connection

Like many college students in the early to mid 1980s, Davidsonians were fairly obsessed with R.E.M. The weekly campus newspaper, The Davidsonian, featured reviews of every R.E.M. album and local show (see the April 22, 1983September 21, 1984, and September 21, 1987 issues for examples), and during the Spring 1983 semester, R.E.M. played at Davidson twice.

Interview with R.E.M. at Reflections Studio in Charlotte in the February 4, 1983 Davidsondian - a few days prior to the band's first show on campus. with the heading, "REM in the Studio", sub-heading, "No philosophy profs here, but a good lecture"

Interview with R.E.M. at Reflections Studio in Charlotte in the February 4, 1983 Davidsonian – a few days prior to the band’s first show on campus.

R.E.M. played in the College’s 900 Room on February 5, 1983, and by all accounts the show was a major campus success – the room was packed to capacity and students had to be turned away. The band was had been in the area for a few weeks, recording their debut studio album Murmur at Charlotte’s Reflection Sound Studios (R.E.M. would return to Reflection the next year, to record their second album, Reckoning).

Ken Pooley (Class of 1985)'s February 14, 1983 Davidsonian article on the 900 Room show: "All things considered, R.E.M. was possibly the best thing to happen since Davidson best Chapel Hill in 1926 to win the state football championship." with the heading, "R.E.M. Swung the Room"

Ken Pooley (Class of 1985)’s February 14, 1983 Davidsonian article on the 900 Room show: “All things considered, R.E.M. was possibly the best thing to happen since Davidson best Chapel Hill in 1926 to win the state football championship.”

After the show, Director of the College Union, C. Shaw Smith (Class of 1939, College Union Director 1953 – 1983, and namesake of the C. Shaw Smith 900 Room) received a postcard from the physical embodiment of Davidson’s connection to R.E.M. – Bertis Downs IV, then a recent Davidson College alumnus (Class of 1978) who began giving legal advice and assisting R.E.M. with contracts as a law student at the University of Georgia, after seeing the band’s second-ever show at Athens’ Kaffee Klub in April 1980. Downs’ father, Bertis Downs III, was also a Davidson alumnus (Class of 1953).

R.E.M. postcard, Downs to Smith, March 24, 1983: "Enjoyed seeing you last month - hope to again soon."

Downs to Smith, March 1983: “Enjoyed seeing you last month – hope to again soon.” Downs became R.E.M.’s  manager, taking over from previous manager Jefferson Holt in 1996, in addition to providing legal counsel. He is currently in charge of “orchestrat[ing] the afterlife of R.E.M.” (Bloomberg Business, “R.E.M.’s New Business Plan,” November 26, 2014)

After Murmur was released in April 1983 (and reviewed in the April 22 Davidsonian), R.E.M. returned to the Davidson campus, to play a larger venue – the Love Auditorium, in New Chambers, on Friday, May 6th.

The concert promotion in the April 29, 1983 Davidsonian notes that the February R.E.M. concert was so popular that Concert Chairman Jim Hoskins "had to turn students away. I didn't talk to anyone who didn't like it."

The concert promotion in the April 29, 1983 Davidsonian notes that the February R.E.M. concert was so popular that Concert Chairman Jim Hoskins “had to turn students away. I didn’t talk to anyone who didn’t like it.”

The Davidsonian has a long tradition of tongue-in-cheek humor - this special commencement issue of "The David'sStonedAgain" spoofed the recent R.E.M. feature.

The Davidsonian has a long tradition of tongue-in-cheek humor (still demonstrated today by The Yowl) – this special commencement issue of “The David’sStonedAgain” spoofed the prior R.E.M. feature.

In addition to numerous student newspaper references to R.E.M.’s perfomances and albums, the Davidson College Archives & Special Collections hold a copy of the band’s contract for the May 1983 performance. There are several interesting nuggets to pull out of the contract:

A copy of the show contract, signed April 25, 1983. C. Shaw Smith, as the College's representative, signed after repeatedly correcting references to Davidson College as the "employer" - preferred DC nomenclature is that the College was the "presenter" of bands, not the "employer."

A copy of the show contract, signed April 25, 1983. C. Shaw Smith, as the College’s representative, signed after repeatedly correcting references to Davidson College as the “employer” – preferred DC nomenclature is that the College was the “presenter” of bands, not the “employer.”

R.E.M. makes it clear in their contract - it is not an abbreviation or a word.

R.E.M. makes it clear in their contract – it is not an abbreviation or a word.

C. Shaw Smith is fine with the 8 large towels, but wants R.E.M. to know that "Davidson College provides refreshments as a courtesy - but not by contract."

C. Shaw Smith is fine with the 8 large towels, but wants R.E.M. to know that “Davidson College provides refreshments as a courtesy – but not by contract.”

The stage setup for R.E.M.'s spring 1983 shows.

The stage setup for R.E.M.’s spring 1983 shows.

Unfortunately, R.E.M. didn’t play at Davidson again after the Spring 1983 semester, but we here at Around the D can still be proud of the success alumnus Bertis Downs has found with the band. According to an interview with the Gwinett Daily Post in 2012, Downs’ love of music also fueled his Davidson activities:

At Davidson I had been on the concert committee and had a radio show. I was always interested in music but I was interested more in the business side of music: how does it work? You know, the inner-workings of the business, concerts etc.

Downs also recently wrote a reflection on Davidson College Basketball for the Davidson Journal. Downs remains an employee of R.E.M., and is a retired adjunct professor of entertainment law at the University of Georgia.

Say It Isn’t So

This week Around the D is featuring news stories that may have reader’s wishing that it wasn’t so.

Spring 1949 was not a happy for Davidson seniors.

1949 story on an extended semester for seniors, with the heading, "Loss of Examination Records Distrupts Seniors Schedule"

1949 story on an extended semester for seniors.


According to the story, a loss of all first semester grade records resulted in the decision to have the class of 1949 retake their exams from that semester.  The college did offer to cover fees for the GRE for any students opting to take those as well.

A few years later, controversy struck campus in two events: one involving journalism and the other athletics.

Davidsonian editor in trouble in 1953, with heading, "Editor Myers In $50,000 Publications Libel Suit"

Davidsonian editor in trouble in 1953.

The good news is that the libel suit didn’t involve any Davidson publications, just Mike Myers, good friend of Bill Edwards. While there were no follow up stories, it appears that the suit was dismissed.  The same proved true for the athletes, with the Davidsonian exaggerating their involvement in the “top money fix of all time.”


Article in Davidsonian with heading, "Basketball Scandal Hits Campus; Two Wildcat Players Are Involved Canceled Check Links Fix To N.Y. Gambling Syndicate"

Even before Bob McKillop, the basketball team had ties to New York.

In 1955, athletics were trouble-free but the Student Government faced unprecedented power shifts.

Davidsonian headline, "Feeney administration outsted in campus revolution"

1955 SGA upset

The article reports on confrontations beginning in Georgia dorm and moving into Chapel resulting in a minor injury to organist Herb Russell.

Less controversial but in the end less successful was a proposed memorial to Davidson’s presidential alumnus, Woodrow Wilson.

Student editorial cartoonist Don Mahy's rendition of the memorial.

Student editorial cartoonist Don Mahy’s rendition of the memorial.

As noted in a previous Around the D, Davidson has hosted some big name concerts. Over the decades campus shows include performers Louis Armstrong, Tommy Dorsey, Dave Matthews Band, Maroon 5, and Ludacris.  Here’s one from  1958 we missed.

Article about the 1958-59 Artist Series with the heading, "Presley To Kick Off '58-59 Artist Series"

You might say the 1958-59 Artist Series took a new twist with this daring selection.

In the same issue announcing the concert, campus planners received attention for proposing a new style of dormitory.  Intended to be named for Woodrow Wilson, perhaps because of the failure of the proposed 1955 memorial, the dorm would have given the Charlotte skyline a challenge.

1958 proposal for a high-rise for Davidson in the Davidsonian with heading, "10-Story Dorm Scheduled"

1958 proposal for a high-rise for Davidson.

We can now say “It isn’t quite so.”  If you haven’t guessed it already, all these stories have one important feature in common– being published on April 1.

Happy April Fools Day



Spring Frolics

Spring Frolics have long been a Davidson tradition– but just how long?

Students today know Frolics as mostly an outdoor event with concerts, water sliding, and games. Older alumni remember dance weekends and other generations, a combination of outdoor fun and dances.

Davidsonian article from 17 March 1937 with the headline, "Junior Dance Set Features Mellen Music"

Davidsonian article from 17 March 1937 reporting that the Junior Class will be offering the “very best in spring frolics.”

The search for the beginnings of Frolics bumped into the ending of Junior Speaking.  In the college’s earliest years, participation Junior Speaking was a requirement. Every junior had to give a public oration to advance to the senior class. The best of the speakers had the honor of performing during commencements while for others it was an onerous and unhappy obligation.  After the requirement was lifted, the juniors turned Speaking into a time to show off their party planning skills.

Between 1937 and 1938, those skills shifted to the Pan-Hellenic Council (later renamed the Interfraternity Council). In addition to the Homecoming and Mid-Winter Dance weekends, they planned the Spring Dances.  Since dancing was still prohibited on campus, all these dances took place in Charlotte, usually in the Armory. The students hired as big a name band as they could and crammed as many as 4 dances in the weekend (formal, semi-formal and tea dances).

Headline announcing 1941 Spring Frolics, "Spivak To Play For Spring Frolics"

Headline announcing 1941 Spring Frolics

Students and dates at the 1947 formal.

Students and dates at the 1947 formal.

Dancing came to campus in the 1940s and after the construction of Johnston Gym in 1949, the basketball court played host couples swirling under crepe paper streamers. An account of the 1954 frolics assured students that the Ray Anthony band was “still one of the top dance bands in America” and that he had “expanded his repertoire to include many more instrumentals as well as good danceable music.”  They were also reminded that Anthony had received an “unqualified stamp of approval from last year’s spring dance crowd with his renditions of When the Saints Go Marching In, Slaughter on Tenth Avenue, and the Bunny Hop.”

In 1956, the dance committee announced a theme of “Orchid Parade” for the formal dance that included plans for each date to receive a miniature paper orchid and for “gay ranges of lavender and white to adorn the gym.”

The College Social Council took over the dance weekends in 1971, with the Union Board taking over by 1977.  The addition of the Lake Campus allowed new activities for the weekends.

In 1965, the line up for Frolics included old favorites (The Lettermen) and some new (to Davidson) names (Warwick and Wells).

In 1965, the line up for Frolics included old favorites (The Lettermen) and some new (to Davidson) names (Warwick and Wells).

15 April 1966 Davidsonian noting "combo party" held at the Lake Campus, the headline, "Spring Frolics Blooms With Femal Infiltration"

15 April 1966 Davidsonian noting “combo party” held at the Lake Campus.

In the 1970s and 80s, the dances became less formal and the outdoor activities increased.  There was a semi-formal in 1981 but the 1984 weekend featured court parties and a disco in the 900 room.

Outdoor concert during 1975 Spring Frolics.

Outdoor concert during 1975 Spring Frolics.

Students frolicing on and around the football field in 1984

Students frolicing on and around the football field in 1984.

In the last decade, frolics has been more about concerts and afternoons on Patterson Court. Not as many paper streamers but still a chance to set aside studying for a little socializing.

Musical Movements and Moments

A recent transfer of recordings from the Music Library to the Archives prompted a little reflection on Davidson student’s enthusiasm for making music. Student letters describe impromptu concerts and  student choirs in the 1860s.  A Jug Band formed and played on campus –and when allowed– off campus in 1888-89.

More long lasting was the Glee Club, which served as the home to orchestras and subgroups including Guitar and Mandolin Club and the Double Quartette.

Glee Club in 1897 - incorporating the Guitar and Mandolin club

Glee Club in 1897 – incorporating the Guitar and Mandolin club


1904 Orchestra

Although starting small, the orchestra would grow over the years.

  Members of the Double Quartette in 1907Members of the Double Quartette in 1907

Several groups have shared names over the decades. In 1908, the guitars and mandolins took on the name the Serenaders.  By 1926,  the Wildcat Serenaders were on the scene — only to be reorganized as the Sunnyland Serenaders in 1928.

Formerly Guitar and Mandolins, now Serenaders

Formerly Guitar and Mandolins, now Serenaders

Article from 9 February 1928 Davidsonian announcing the change from Wildcat to Sunnyland with the headline, "Wildcat Serenaders Lately Reorganized"

Article from 9 February 1928 Davidsonian announcing the change from Wildcat to Sunnyland

The name change brought on a spirit of adventure on the part of the musicians. Not content to play just on campus and in nearby towns, they hoped for a contract with a steamship line to play while crossing the Atlantic.

The Sunnyland Serenaders, Guitars and Mandolins gave way to banjos, drums and sax

Guitars and Mandolins gave way to banjos, drums and sax

The Lamplighters started in 1954 as a quartet with Sandy McGeachy, Leighton McCutchen, Joe Garrison, Bob Martin. By 1964, the Lamplighters were a double quartet (without the extra e’s and t’s of the  1907 group) within the Male Chorus

Lamplighters (Double Quartet) in 1965 featruing: Cooper, Goodman, Willams, Jones, D., Causey, Martin, Clark, Davis, Jones, B. left to right

Lamplighters (Double Quartet) in1965

When coeducation officially arrived at Davidson, women students were quick to follow the musical tradition.  In 1973, they joined the Madrigal Singers and a Women’s Chorus was founded in in 1975 with a student leader, Pat Morris.

campus madrigal group 1976

With women’s voices on hand, a campus madrigal group could be formed.

It should be noted that Davidson musicians  did not wait for coeducation. In 1940, the Davidson-Queens Little Orchestra was formed combining talents from Davidson and Queens College.   These are but a few of the musical moments at Davidson.  In 2014 along with the college sponsored choirs, orchestras and ensembles, there are a capella  groups, rock bands, and soloists sharing their talents. This summer student musicians and mathematicians will spend time together in the new Davidson College Venture Lab coming up with ways to create and distribute online music.  Let Davidson’s musical adventures continue.

Davidson in July – Decades Ago

The diary entries presented in last week’s blog provided some glimpses of Davidson in 1847. This week we’ll look at some July’s in the 20th century –1978 and 1988 to be exact – and see some ongoing patterns.

July Experience students in 1978, the 3rd year of the program

July Experience students in 1978, the 3rd year of the program

The Archives has a collection of News Releases from College Communications. The July 1978 press releases highlighted:

-the arrival of high school juniors participating in the 3 year of July Experience,

July Experience students in class with Professor Malcolm Partin in 1988

July Experience students in class with Professor Malcolm Partin in 1988


-a production of Major Barbara by the Davidson Community Players,

– the selection of economics professor Randy Kincaid to spend a year with the Environmental Protection Agency,

-and a meeting about a proposed new retirement community in Davidson.

A decade later (and 25 years ago), the press releases covered:

– Muadi Mukenge receiving the newly established Leona M. Goodell Scholarship and spending her summer with the Davidson in Washington program,

Davidson goes pops flyer for Summer Music Stage

Program for summer pops concerts on campus

-a summer pops series on campus,

-and a Dean Rusk Program for Charlotte business leaders.

While there was no publicity for July Experience, the students were on campus — just as they are again this year. Summer entertainment also continues with the Davidson Community Players.  Both the 1978 and 2013 productions have Davidsonians in the cast; the biggest change is in the venue.  Plays are now presented in the Duke Family Performance Hall instead of Hodson Hall.

Major Barbara cover

Program for Major Barbara, 1978

Major Barbara program

Directed by Davidson professor Tony Abbott, the cast included faculty and staff

Davidson faculty still have strong ties to governmental agencies and students still eagerly apply for the Washington in Davidson Program. The Dean Rusk program isn’t  hosting the breakfasts any more but does still actively encourages  international awareness for students, faculty, staff, and area residents through a variety of programs.

Flyer for retirement center meeting

Flyer for retirement center meeting

And that retirement center — it’s celebrating a 25th anniversary.  Although the first meeting was 35 years ago, changes in the national economy delayed the idea a bit. By the summer of 1988, the Pines was becoming a reality and now it is an integral part of the town — and a great supporter of college programs – entertainment, international, and  beyond.


Reading Day

2011-2012 Davidson College academic calendar

2011-2012 Davidson College academic calendar

Tucked discreetly in the college calendar are two Reading Days–one for each semester. For Spring 2012, Reading is Thursday, May 10th.

Known in the 1960s as Pre-examination Days, the intent is to give students a break between classes and final examinations.  The first listing for a Pre-examination Day appears in the 1964-65 academic calendar.  We no longer have the minutes from the committee to know why they decided to add a study day to the calendar.

In what will seem odd to today’s students, in the years between 1969-1976, the pre-exam days often fell on a Saturday– a reminder of the years of Saturday classes.  For students in the fall of 1970, their Thanksgiving break had to serve the extra purpose of exam prep.  Thanksgiving holiday officially ended at 8am on November 30th and exams began at 9am on November 30th.

Memo to campus about substituting Good Friday for Reading Day

Memo to campus about substituting Good Friday for Reading Day

The name Reading Day first appears on the campus calendar in 1976-77 – though only for the fall and winter terms. The spring term granted no break between the end of classes and start of finals. Reading Day did make to spring the next year and stayed around until 1982.

A decision was made to substitute a holiday on Good Friday that would take away the official Reading Day. The memo to campus noted that “Students may choose to created a Reading Day or not on May 16 [the first day for finals].  This memo also noted that this was a trial.  A few months later, another memo announced that Good Friday would replace Reading Day for the 1982-83 academic year as well and noted “In subsequent years the decision of whether to have a holiday on Good Friday will depend on where Good Friday falls within the Spring Term calendar.”

It took until the spring of 1989 for Reading Day to reappear on the spring calendar.  The college avoids scheduling activities on Reading Day — though Reading Day eve concerts are popular with the student a cappella groups and any number of groups work to provide study snacks — cookies, ice cream, yogurt parfaits, etc.

Did you have a Reading Day tradition? Did you study hard or taking the day off?

This Week At Davidson – March 18-24

1837-2012 ◊◊ Celebrating Davidson’s 175th anniversary

This week in history features donors, Easter Mondays, concerts, absences, grade reports,  the laundry, and Division of the Day established 91 years ago.

Baseball snapshot from scrapbook of William Buchanan, class of 1923

Baseball snapshot from scrapbook of William Buchanan, class of 1923

March 18:  1914   The Davidsonian is founded by students in 1914. First issue will be published on April 1st

March 18: 1921 – Easter Monday is declared a holiday so the students can attend the Davidson-Carolina baseball game in Winston.

March 18: 1925 – The first Division of the Day is established as the faculty approve a request by the Athletic Association that “from 4:05 pm to 6 pm each afternoon shall be given over to athletes, and that there shall be no formal holding of classes or reviews during this period, and that all students interested in Athletics shall be excused during these periods.”

March 19: 1999 The Black Comedy Tour performs on campus in 1999

March 20:  1854– Faculty adopt new policy: any student being absent from five college exercises, without a valid excuse rendered, to the Faculty, shall be admonished before the Faculty. And any student that incurs three admonitions shall be sent home.

March 20: 1896 – – The Davidson Monthly reported on a local fire. The reference to calico comes from a campus tradition of yelling “fire” to announce the presence of young ladies on campus.

The campus rang with the familiar yell of “fire.” This time, though, it was not a “calico” blaze, smoke and flame could be seen pouring out from beneath the roof of the depot. The train was due in a few minutes, and the usual crowd of students gathered to meet it, drowned out the fire with a bucket brigade before serious damage resulted. The fire is thought to have been started by rats gnawing matches.

Laundry description from 1921 college bulletin

Laundry description from 1921 college bulletin

March 20: 1920 – Faculty resolutions- “That hereafter the members of the Faculty will be expected to have their report of grades in the President’s Office within four days after the examination period has closed. Sundays and Christmas Eve not to be counted” and “That after the College Laundry is built and started, all students will be required to patronize it for hygienic and other reasons.”

March 20: 1945 -The Davidson College Band and Glee Club presented a joint concert.
The Band played a varied program, including: Prelude and Fugue—Bach; Intermezzo from Othello Suite—Coleridge-Taylor; Landsighting—Grieg; Processional and Children’s Dance from the Miracle Suite Huttlperdinck ;Cherubim Song —Bortninansky; See, the Conquering Hero Comes— Handel ; and several of those rousing marches that are the features of the military band. The Director was Mr. James Christian Pfohl.

Minutes recording the gift of Jane Lide

Minutes recording the gift of Jane Lide

March 21:   1838 – Trustees learn of $1100 bequest  from Mrs. Jane D. Lide for scholarships.

March 21: 1870 – Faculty resolve: That whenever a student shall in study hours, engage in sport, or disturb the quiet of his room or building, or the campus, by music, shouting, loud laughing, etc., or be found in a group of idlers, he shall be reported to the Faculty. If marked, he may, in the discretion of the Faculty, receive no notice of it otherwise that in his circular letter at the close of the term. In case of doubt as to the offender, the officer must give the student the benefit of the doubt.

March 21: 1918 – Faculty rule that “No student shall be excused by the College Physician on account of sickness where the illness is of such a nature as not to require confinement in the Infirmary for 24 hours, and if sick to such an extent, much have been seen by the Physician during his sickness.” No excuses for absences will be given by the College Physician in his office.”
On the Waterfront is screened 1958

March 22: 1838 – Trustees vote to set inauguration of President Robert Hall Morrison and Professor of Languages Patrick Sparrow for August 2, 1838.

March 22: 1869 – It was resolved that the time for the regular meetings of the Faculty be changed from Friday afternoon, to Friday evening after tea, and that the meetings be held at the President’s study.

March 23: 1888– A  Joint Committee from the two literary societies asked the Faculty to receive at least for a few years, the rent of the dormitories made out of the rooms formerly occupied by the Society.  Faculty replied that they had no control in this matter and referred it to the Trustees.

Howard Banks, class of 1888

Howard Banks, class of 1888

March 23:  1893 – The Chautauqua Circle of Davidson has lately given the students and townspeople an intellectual treat. Mr. H. A. Banks, A. B., graduate of Davidson, class of 1888, and now on the Charlotte Observer staff, was invited by the circle to deliver an address on this date in 1893. His subject, “The Passion Play at Oberammergau,” was an attractive one, and he handled it in a scholarly manner.

March 24:  1894 – An evening of entertainment, hosted by the Davidson juniors in 1894 was controversial, for featuring a “Negro Ministrel” (a well-kept secret until the performance), yet was well carried out and greatly enjoyed by every one present. The Davidson Monthly proclaimed the event “a howling success.”


Davidsonian headline in 1915, "Forty-Five Juniors To Speak Next Week"

Davidsonian headline in 1915, Junior orations continue.

March 24: 1910 – Faculty resolve “That those Juniors that fail to prepare and deliver a Junior Oration, except as excused or respited by the Faculty, be informed that the Junior Oration is a part of the required Junior Courses, and any failure detracts from the completed work of the year, just as in the case of any other college duty.