Late Nights at Little Library

This semester has been the first in the history of E.H. Little Library that we have stayed open all night, after the staff leave the building.  We have been very pleased that the students using the building overnight have been very respectful and we have found the building just as clean when opening back up each morning as we did when no one was here overnight.  We were a bit concerned about the new classroom on the ground floor (old 24 hour room) taking too much time to clean up before classes each morning, but students have left it quite in order.

For extra security for our students, the doors are card-swipe entry for Davidson students, faculty and staff only during the overnight hours.   We have had no incidents within the building reported to us or Campus Police. Thanks everyone for a great first semester so far!

The self-checkout station has seen some use for those wanting to check out items when the Information Desk is closed.  We would like to see that usage increase, so please stop by and give it a try … at night or even during the day if you would like.

Below is a one week snapshot of the number of patrons exiting the building after the Information Desk has closed.  We do expect that these numbers will rise significantly during the weeks preceding and during exams as we wrap our first semester of 24/7 access.
