Celebrating March with the GPO and the FDLP!

The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) is having a big celebration this month. March 4, 2016 is the 155th birthday of the GPO. It began work in 1861 as the Federal Government's official resource for producing, preserving, and providing free access to the public for all federal government publications. In addition, March 9, 2016 marks the 10th anniversary of the Catalog of the U.S. Government Publications (CGP) as an integrated library system (ILS). The CGP provides public access to over … [Read more...]

Constitution Week

On September 17, 1787, delegates gathered for a final time to sign the document they had created after four months of secret meetings, the Constitution.  Much later, in 1956 Congress established Constitution Week to encourage all Americans to learn more about this historical document and the laws and values it imparts on our government and society. In the spirit of Constitution Week, the E.H. Little Library encourages students, faculty, staff, and visitors to explore the government documents … [Read more...]

In Thanksgiving: Sara Lee Enders

As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, I want to take the opportunity to give thanks for the life and work of the library's long-time Government Information Assistant, colleague, and friend: Sara Lee Enders. Sara Lee died on November 15th, and we in the library have been mourning her passing. Several months ago, my colleague Craig Milberg gave a shout out to colleagues whose work is essential to the library and the services that we provide but who, because they work "in the back," are little … [Read more...]

Government Documents: A Story of Shifting, Color Codes, and Tipped Book Carts

During the past three months, the government documents collection went through some major changes, most significantly, a shift! You may have wondered about the unusual number of book carts populating the government document stacks and the activity on the elevators (not to mention the occasional tipped book cart!). Prior to the shift, the government documents collection was divided between two floors, with the second floor containing Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) call numbers A-J and the … [Read more...]

Treasures from our Government Documents Collections

When you hear the phrase "government documents," what springs to mind? Dusty volumes of Congressional hearings? Impenetrable reports on obscure topics? Tables of data in tiny type? What about maps, posters, photographs, games, puzzles, coloring books, recipe books, and a guide to Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic? * Most people have only a vague idea of the variety of materials published by the federal government, and many are unaware of the treasures lurking in the library's print, … [Read more...]