Library Publishing Initiatives

I’m grateful to Roger Schonfeld at the Scholarly Kitchen for his synopsis of a study conducted by Ithaka S+R and the Harvard University Library about the organization of scholarly communication at ten major research university libraries. His typology is helping me find some clarity on something I’ve been struggling with lately: libraries as open access publishers. What’s troubling me is the how, not the what. Scholarly publishing in its current form is on an unsustainable path; it must change or … [Read more...]

Teaching Information Privilege

As the Assistant Director for Information Literacy at Davidson, I spend a lot of my time thinking about how to teach students information literacy.  In my experience, our students and faculty often equate information literacy with the ability to write research papers, so our librarians frequently are asked to teach skills and concepts that will help students succeed on specific academic assignments.  We value this important educational role, but we also know that an information literate person … [Read more...]