Alexander W. Bannerman (1857) 14 April 1854 Letter

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From: DC0109s, Bannerman, A. W. (1857) Letter, 1854 (View Finding Aid)

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Davidson College April the 14th [18]54

Dear Father

I now seat myself with the intention of answering your very kind and affectionate letter which came to hand about two weeks ago it was dated 12th of March and I was very glad indeed to hear from you and all the family and more than that to hear that you were all well and in fine spirits as for myself I am well and as fat as ever and getting along tolerable well with my studys, I have no news of importance to write you I mearly write to let you know how I am for I thought you would like to hear from me and there fore you must expect a short letter this time and I will do better next I receive a letter from Uncle Franklin Alderman last wek and he was well

[page 2] when I started here I thought I could get along here very cheep but I was mistake it takes a great deel more money than I thought it would.  I will have to have more money but I don’t know how much yet but I will find out and then I will let you know I had a great many books to buy and I pay seven dollars a month board I will find out how much money I will need and let you know in my next letter So I must close excuse bad writeing as I am in a hurry give my love to all and write me soon So I remain your Son

A. W. Bannerman

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Cite as:
Bannerman, Alex.W. Letter to his Father. 14 April 1854. DC0109s. Alexander W. Bannerman Letter. Davidson College Archives, Davidson College, NC. Available:

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