Of Chemistry and Conversion

By now, most people know that the contents of the Chemistry Library were moved over to Little last summer in order to make room for a new faculty office in Martin. The move happened quickly -- really quickly! -- with little advance warning. We didn't have the space to shelve the materials in the regular collection, so we had to find -- and cobble together -- temporary shelves. The temporary shelves are just that, though: temporary. Our goal is to integrate the Chemistry Library materials … [Read more...]

Settle the Score

Whoa! The score I used last year is on a different shelf this year – what’s up with that?!? Have you noticed that the Music Library has a variety of call numbers? In the “old days,” we used the composer’s last name in the call number:  M 21 Mozart 7. We are in the process of updating these call numbers using the correct Library of Congress Classification and Cutters, so that score is now labeled: M22 .M693 E2 1900z We have also created a unique cutter for each composer. When the project is … [Read more...]