Thanks to Our Student Staff!

The collective work of our student staff during this past school year - keeping the Music Library open 87.5 hours a week, the main library Information Desk open 104 hours a week, and checking out and shelving more than 20,000 books and other library materials – is truly remarkable. While much of what they do is visible to library patrons, a considerable amount of student work also goes on behind the scenes. Their daily labor plays a critical role in providing information resources and services … [Read more...]

Appreciation of Student Employees

Getting the chance to work with our student employees is one of the very best parts of our job in the Library.  They actually keep us humming, we have 55 this year, and we literally cannot operate without them! The Main Library Information Desk assistants are on duty the 106 hours a week that the Information desk is open and the Music Library hours just shy of that.  And as a matter of fact, from 5:00 p.m. on Fridays until 4:00 p.m. on Sundays, the Information Desk Assistants keep both libraries … [Read more...]

Peer Research Advisor Projects

If you’ve ever asked at the library for help with formatting a citation, finding the full text of an article, or operating the microfilm machine, you’ve likely interacted with a student Peer Research Advisor (PRA). These students work a combined total of 74 hours a week at the Information Desk answering questions such as these. A PRA may be the first person you see as you walk in the library doors, but you may not know they do other work for the library in addition to answering your questions. … [Read more...]