Systems Librarian Faces the Innovation Challenge

The library has begun a discussion about excellence in relation to innovation. Forty years ago, simply automating manual processes was innovative! Handling textual data was cutting edge. As libraries began to adopt this new technology, a new breed of librarian emerged - the "systems librarian."  Keeping the "library catalog" (a euphemism for the integrated system that supports circulation, acquisition, and discovery of library resources) and the equipment to access the catalog up and running … [Read more...]

Is it Possible? Is it Worth It? Community Teamwork for the Library Catalog

On March 8th the library hosted a meeting for users of the (not so) new catalog: Webscale Management Services, better recognized to patrons as Davidson WorldCat Local. When we implemented in Summer 2011 we were pioneers, being among the first seven libraries to do so. In keeping with a pioneering attitude, this was the inaugural WMS Southeast Regional Users Gathering, in fact, the first on-site meeting in the WMS community. We asked the questions: Is it possible? Is it worth it? And the … [Read more...]

Maintaining Blog

Widgets Primary Sidebar: Title becomes Header of Sidebar section Links: Library Websites RSS: can pick up name of site as Header of feed section Originally set to 3, set to one now because it shows unpublished data Links: Blogs Around the D is currently only one Recent Comments: No additional Title given Currently set to 5, change? Archives: No additional Title … [Read more...]