Librarians Abroad

Your friendly neighborhood librarians and archivists are world travelers. Since Fall 2018, several of our library staff members ventured to exciting places in partnership with classes. Enjoy the footage of their excursions! Part One We welcome you to share your journeys—both past and future—on our world map. Ready to embark on your next adventure? We will have even more inspiration on the shelves. Students selected materials … [Read more...]

In celebration of Jean Coates upon the Occasion of her Retirement

This week we say goodbye to Jean Coates, who will retire on May 27 after 22 years at Davidson, 21 of them in the library.  Jean started as a staff member in circulation and interlibrary loan, earned her Masters of Library and Information Science degree while working full-time, and moved up the ladder, finishing her career as Assistant Director for Access and Acquisitions.  Known for her dedication to going above and beyond to serve faculty and students, Jean will now spend lots of quality time … [Read more...]

Sniff…cough…the blog bug strikes!

The same nasty virus that is making many of us cough and sneeze has incapacitated the blog writer this week.  Look for a new blog post, written by a healthy member of the staff, on Wednesday. … [Read more...]

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Displays

Did you know that recording artist, Stevie Wonder, created “Happy Birthday” as a single song in the early 80’s to promote the establishment of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as a national holiday? This vinyl album is now on display in the library as part of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebrations on campus. Dr. Tae-Sun Kim, Director of Multicultural Affairs, has provided the library with content or has suggested content for two displays. The first can be found in the Library’s … [Read more...]

Discovering Worldcat Discovery

As we enter the heart of the fall semester users of the E.H. Little Library’s resources may have noticed we changed our our catalog/discovery system over the summer.  Where we previously used Worldcat Local as an access point we now use Worldcat Discovery a new system provided by the same vendor (OCLC). This same change is reflected in the search box on our library home page which now also points to Worldcat Discovery.   So why change the interface that we have had … [Read more...]