Welcome Caitlin

IMG_1846The college archives welcomes Caitlin Christian-Lamb who joins in the newly created position of Associate Archivist.   Her arrival will increase theArchives’ capacity to support research and the curriculum, with a special emphasis on digital projects. Caitlin brings a unique mix of skills, experience, and energy to the position and team.

Her background is in history and library and information science.  She holds a BA in History from Purchase College, State University of New York, and is a recent graduate of Simmons College with a dual MA in History and MS in Library and Information Science.     Caitlin’s Master’s thesis is titled “Going Down in History: The Collective Memory of the Titanic.”  As part of her thesis research she was able to indulge her love of travel by visiting England and Ireland.

Prior to joining Davidson Caitlin has worked in a variety of capacities at an impressive array of institutions where her archives and digital scholarship skills were put to good use.   Her most recent endeavors include stops at the metaLAB at Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society and at the Massachusetts Historical Society where she worked on the Adams Family Tree and Adams Timeline. Caitlin  has also been very active professionally, attending numerous conferences  and training opportunities, and contributing to online entities like dh+lib .  Anyone at Davidson interested in the Digital Humanities Summer Institute as a professional development opportunity can ask he about her 2013 experience attending that event.

In her own words, Caitlin’s professional passions include “collective memory, the relationship(s) between history and pop culture, digital humanities, archival theory, markup languages, and cataloging.”  Her personal interests encompass  “pizza, hockey, and traveling as much as possible.”   To learn more about Caitlin you can visit her website and blog or try finding her office tucked away on the second floor of the library.

Welcome to Davidson, Caitlin!!