Category Archives: Information

Course Syllabus Submission Form

Syllabus Submission Form

The VPAA/DoF and Admission Offices, and the College Archives continue to collaborate to make a single request to faculty for class syllabi. Syllabi are records of permanent historical and archival value to the College and as a result, the College Archives will maintain a copy.

Please complete the form below and submit your syllabus/i (one form per syllabi) to the VPAA/DoF Office. Please include your name, the name and number of the course, and the term in which the course is being taught as part of the file name. Please do not simply title the file “Syllabus” or “Spring 2018” or the document will not be processed.
Any of the following formats will work: doc, docx, txt, rtf, or pdf.

Uploading the files with a MAC and Safari appears to work with less trouble than uploading with Windows. If you have difficulty with the CAPTCHA designation and you are using Windows, please contact the ITS Help Desk for assistance.

The deadline for fall semester 2018 is 5:00 pm on August 24, 2018; the deadline for spring 2019 will be 5:00 pm on January 22, 2019.

Please contact Pat Gardner or College Archives if you have any questions.

Thank you very much and all the best this term!

Best Practices for Course Projects

The purpose of this guide is to help faculty design research projects for classes or individual students that will be presented through the Davidson College Archives and Special Collections website or the College’s Institutional Repository. Types of projects: Documenting Davidson: Documenting Davidson seeks to connect people and places with the College’a archival collections. Use this… Continue Reading

Alumni Books in Library Collection

The library has a collection of Alumni books*, many housed in the Davidsoniana Room. Find these books by graduation year. Enter the year. Click on the produced statement to find relevant titles in our catalog. The alumni contributor note is seen in the title’s description details. Truncating the year followed by the “*” symbol will… Continue Reading

Literary Award Submission Form

Congratulations on your literary achievement. Award winners are eligible for inclusion in the college’s online Digital Repository. To submit your work, please use the form below. If you have questions, please call 704.894.2158 or e-mail Continue Reading

Web Evaluation Project

Evaluation Criteria Readability – font, colors, layout Audience – who is this written for Use of images – do images add to information, are captions clear,  too many or too few? Engagement – how visually appealing – why or why not Links and structure – how do  you know where you are – what the… Continue Reading

Archives, Special Collections & Community (ASCC) Team

Meet the team: Left to Right: Sharon, Molly, Jessica, Sara, DebbieLee, Emily Privott C’19   Sharon Byrd Special Collections Librarian I work with faculty, students, staff, and outside scholars doing research with materials in the Special Collections housed in the Smith Rare Book Room. Most Memorable Library Moment: Much earlier in my career (I’ve been… Continue Reading

Rare Book Room

The Smith Rare Book Room is named for C. Alphonso Smith and his brothers, and houses the library’s non-archival special collections. Materials are available for use by visiting scholars, as well as Davidson’s faculty, staff, and students. Items from the Rare Book Room collections are regularly on display, and special events are held throughout the… Continue Reading

Honors Thesis Submission Process

Congratulations on completing your thesis! To successfully complete your submission, please follow this two-step process. Step One: Fill out the following submission form with the necessary details pertaining to your thesis. Please also include an email address so we can reach you post-graduation. Once you have filled in the required fields click “Next”. Please wait… Continue Reading

WRI 101 B Web Evaluation

WRI 101B – Revisiting the Library Website Evaluation Project Group 1 Five Colleges – Zilpah P. Grant Banister Papers Look at main page, open a letter from the Letters by Banister, 1823-1874 group, pick one with a transcript and look original and transcript Michigan State University – Civil War This link opens directly to a… Continue Reading

Honor Theses Repository Policy and Submission Form

Purpose: To define the policies to initiate and maintain an electronic repository of Davidson Honor and Kelley Scholar Theses so as to preserve these works and provide access to the Davidson College Community and the broader global audience as appropriate. Policies: 1. Davidson College Honors and Kelley Scholars Theses will be included in the Davidson… Continue Reading

Rare Book Room Use

Location: Second Floor of the Library Capacity: 40 Room configuration: Conference Table and Chairs for 12 people + additional Chairs Equipment: Wireless Network Who can use the Rare Book Room? Preference will be given to requests that require the unique resources of the room. *Please note that it may occasionally be necessary to change or… Continue Reading

Citing Archival Sources

The following entries are examples used to demonstrate the correct format for citations. Please contact a librarian for assistance with specific questions. Files and Documents Accessed Online: A number of records of the types described below are available in digital formats online. Citations for online materials are identical to those below with addition of this… Continue Reading

College History Resources

Published Histories The best place to begin is with the published histories of the college. They can provide suggestions for topics and identify original source materials. Beaty, Mary D. A History of Davidson College. Briarpatch Press, 1988. 378.75 D25b D Room: D 081 B3691da Shaw, Cornelia R. Davidson College. Fleming H. Revell Press, 1923. 378.75… Continue Reading

Reading Room Rules

Researchers must sign in for each visit. Only note papers and research materials are permitted at work tables (Brief cases, backpacks, coats, and other items must be left in the designated area.) Smoking, eating and drinking (including water bottles) are not permitted in the Reading Room. Only pencils may be used when working with original… Continue Reading

Donating Materials

The Davidson College Archives welcomes donations that are related to the College and the town of Davidson, or are relevant to the College’s curriculum. Of special value to the Archives are Davidson College publications, records of Davidson College student and faculty organizations and committees, office records, diaries, faculty publications, class notebooks, and photographs. In addition,… Continue Reading

Reproduction Policy

Although the majority of the photographs in the Davidson College Archives were produced by the college, the Archives does not hold copyright on all photographs in the collection. The Archives, for example, does not hold copyright on any donated photographs. Researchers are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permission and are responsible for conforming with the… Continue Reading