Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Displays

Did you know that recording artist, Stevie Wonder, created “Happy Birthday” as a single song in the early 80’s to promote the establishment of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as a national holiday? This vinyl album is now on display in the library as part of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebrations on campus. Dr. Tae-Sun Kim, Director of Multicultural Affairs, has provided the library with content or has suggested content for two displays. The first can be found in the Library’s … [Read more...]

It’s Christmas in August! Keyless lockers have arrived!

Santa came early this year and brought 24 wonderful combination lock lockers on the back of his sleigh.   You might be wondering, “why all of the excitement about a bunch of lockers?”  Up till now, we had been offering lockers to students that required locks and keys.  Students loved the convenience of being able to store textbooks and other valuables in the safety of a locker, but they didn’t like having to add yet another key to their keychain.  And, distributing locks and keys and then … [Read more...]

Clean-up Day…then a Nice Long Break!

Many students, in their rush to leave campus after final exams, forget that they have left checked-out books and other personal items behind in the library.  So, one of our annual end-of-semester rituals is “clean-up day” where library staff members collect books that need to be returned and discover all sorts of things that need to be reunited with their student owners.  The pictures that accompany this post document the process:   Jean Coates gives the staff instructions for what should be … [Read more...]

African Wildlife Art on Display

Animals have invaded the library!  Lions and zebras and lizards...oh my!  Well, actually paintings of animals  have taken up temporary residence around the first floor.  All are the skillful creations of artist and alumnus Paul Schulz '82 who has traveled around Africa documenting the animals he encountered on his trip to Kenya in 2012. Please plan a trip to the library to view this exhibit, which will remain in place until January.  You can see the paintings and you can read a little more … [Read more...]

What are the oldest items in the library collection? Cuneiforms!

A couple of months ago, I had the privilege of working with the oldest items in the library’s collection – Babylonian cuneiforms. A cuneiform is a small, clay tablet, etched with Sumerian text that chronicles the business of daily life thousands of years ago. For example, some of the cuneiforms in our collection are receipts for temple animals or are lists of provisions supplied to messengers on temple business. Why was I working with these ancient relics? This excerpt from a recent news … [Read more...]