Librarians Abroad

Your friendly neighborhood librarians and archivists are world travelers. Since Fall 2018, several of our library staff members ventured to exciting places in partnership with classes. Enjoy the footage of their excursions! Part One We welcome you to share your journeys—both past and future—on our world map. Ready to embark on your next adventure? We will have even more inspiration on the shelves. Students selected materials … [Read more...]

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Displays

Did you know that recording artist, Stevie Wonder, created “Happy Birthday” as a single song in the early 80’s to promote the establishment of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as a national holiday? This vinyl album is now on display in the library as part of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebrations on campus. Dr. Tae-Sun Kim, Director of Multicultural Affairs, has provided the library with content or has suggested content for two displays. The first can be found in the Library’s … [Read more...]

Hidden Gems of the Music Library

When is the last time you visited the music library? While we aren't a very big space, there's a lot to explore in our sunny stacks. In addition to a large western-Classical collection (including the complete works of Bach, Beethoven, Handel, Haydn, and others), we also have growing jazz, musical theater, and popular music collections. When's the last time you dropped a needle onto an LP? We have over 2,000 LPs for you to browse, and 2 turntables available for your use. Ever wonder how many … [Read more...]

Engage, Collaborate, Leverage

Davidson has a number of initiatives or hot topics that we like to pay particular attention to at any given point in time. Currently these include faculty and staff collaboration, community and civic engagement, and leveraging corporate partnerships. Being academics, we spend a fair bit of time participating in dialog about enhancing our ability to engage in these endeavors.   For example, I recently had the opportunity to attend a luncheon with other staff members and faculty that was sponsored … [Read more...]

What are the oldest items in the library collection? Cuneiforms!

A couple of months ago, I had the privilege of working with the oldest items in the library’s collection – Babylonian cuneiforms. A cuneiform is a small, clay tablet, etched with Sumerian text that chronicles the business of daily life thousands of years ago. For example, some of the cuneiforms in our collection are receipts for temple animals or are lists of provisions supplied to messengers on temple business. Why was I working with these ancient relics? This excerpt from a recent news … [Read more...]