Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Displays

Did you know that recording artist, Stevie Wonder, created “Happy Birthday” as a single song in the early 80’s to promote the establishment of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as a national holiday? This vinyl album is now on display in the library as part of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebrations on campus. Dr. Tae-Sun Kim, Director of Multicultural Affairs, has provided the library with content or has suggested content for two displays. The first can be found in the Library’s … [Read more...]

Davidson College’s New Open Education Initiative

Last week, the E.H. Little Library, in partnership with the Center for Teaching and Learning and Digital Learning Research & Design (DRLD), announced five new $500 stipends for faculty interested in integrating Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Pedagogy into their Fall 2016 courses. Each faculty member that receives a stipend will be required to integrate free and open course materials into their course. Librarians will play a vital role in this process by helping faculty find, … [Read more...]

Associated Colleges of the South – Directors Meeting

The library directors (or designees) of the 16 institutions in the Associated Colleges of the South gathered last week in Atlanta. It was the first such birds-of-a-feather ACS meeting to include an attendee from each of the colleges, which made us librarians proud. ACS’s new president, R. Owen Williams, joined us for the entire meeting. I was impressed that he didn’t just pop in, deliver a greeting, and go on to more important activities. Instead, he spent a significant amount of his time, … [Read more...]

Why I Teach

As I begin work on this blog post, I’ve just picked up my third information literacy class for this week.  On Wednesday I’m teaching REL 276, Sunni & Shi’ite Islam.  On Thursday my colleague Cara Evanson and I will work with PSY 303, Behavioral Neuroscience, and on Friday I’ll co-teach MUS 141, World Musics, with fellow librarian Sara Swanson.  I have a research consultation this afternoon and reference shifts on Tuesday and Thursday.  This is why I love being a library director at a liberal … [Read more...]

The Future of Library Technology as Foretold by Small Boys

Since joining academia my summers seem to be consumed with three kinds of activities: Finishing projects from the previous academic year. Pondering future projects and services, and in particular what the future of technology in our library should be. Keeping my school aged children occupied during summer vacation. I’ve attended three technology related conferences in the last month, so technology was already on my mind when I watched LITA’s Top Tech Trends session from this year’s ALA (on … [Read more...]