Earlier this semester, I wrote about the library’s new partnership with Gale and the launch of Artemis, an exciting new platform for Gale’s digital collections. Our partnership with Gale continues to develop, and I’m pleased to announce a new model for our largest and most popular online reference collection and a new prize for undergraduate work in digital studies. Next gen reference for generation Y Fifteen years ago, most reference sources were still in print format, lounging in separate … [Read more...]
DH in E.H.
I’ve been writing quite a bit this week, and still need to complete this blog entry, so I’m going to cheat a bit and steal repurpose the title and much of the content from a presentation proposal that Associate Archivist Caitlin Christian-Lamb, College Archivist Jan Blodgett, and I have been working on. As part of our preparation, we have been looking back at the history of the participation of the archives in Digital Humanities/Studies projects. Hard to believe, but we can trace the … [Read more...]
The Digital Public Library of America Revisited
On May 1, I wrote about the new Digital Public Library of America (dp.la), a new portal bringing together digitized treasures from libraries, archives, and museums in the United States. At that time, though, searching for gems from or about Davidson College yielded pretty disappointing results. No longer! Now a search for “Davidson College” returns 481 results, including college catalogs, lots of pictures, and even two videos! What happened? The North Carolina Digital Heritage Center became a … [Read more...]
Welcome Caitlin
The college archives welcomes Caitlin Christian-Lamb who joins in the newly created position of Associate Archivist. Her arrival will increase theArchives’ capacity to support research and the curriculum, with a special emphasis on digital projects. Caitlin brings a unique mix of skills, experience, and energy to the position and team. Her background is in history and library and information science. She holds a BA in History from Purchase College, State University of New York, and is a … [Read more...]
MOOCs and Libraries
Have you heard about MOOCs? Massive Open Online Courses have been getting a lot of attention lately and we’re going to be hearing more about them here at Davidson. That’s because Davidson has joined edX, an initiative founded by Harvard and MIT, to create DavidsonX. We’ll be offering a series of MOOCs beginning in Spring 2014 to bring “Distinctly Davidson” courses to the world. These free classes will be taught to tens of thousands of national and international students. I’ve been thinking … [Read more...]