Inside Looking Out or Outside Looking In

As our library continues our strategic planning process, one topic that has been raised is the value of effort spent on external professional activities since they take time away from activities that directly impact Davidson.   This topic resonates with me as I’ve significantly increased my external professional activities in the last year.  So, it is worthwhile to examine what value, if any,  publishing, presenting, and service activities bring to individuals and Davidson. Davidson librarians … [Read more...]

Ten Minutes

It was Monday afternoon about 2:30.  I needed a quick answer from a colleague, so I stepped out of my office and walked about 40 feet to her office. The one minute conversation turned into ten minutes (not an uncommon occurrence). I hadn’t locked my office, which isn’t unusual.  Many of my colleagues were around, and I wasn’t really thinking about security.  As I worked, my iPad was sitting on my desk in plain view and my laptop was hooked up to the network and external monitor.  My laptop is … [Read more...]

Institutional Repository Update

We are in the “dog days of summer” as we get ready for the semester in the heat and humidity of a Carolina’s August.  This this is fine with “Flash,” but it means that while I want to write a meaningful blog entry, I’d like to minimize my effort.   With this in mind, I’m going to offer an update on a project I am intimate with, Davidson’s Institutional Repository. Flash conserves energy during the “dog days”   Our great summer students have made significant progress, and the hosting … [Read more...]

The Future of Library Technology as Foretold by Small Boys

Since joining academia my summers seem to be consumed with three kinds of activities: Finishing projects from the previous academic year. Pondering future projects and services, and in particular what the future of technology in our library should be. Keeping my school aged children occupied during summer vacation. I’ve attended three technology related conferences in the last month, so technology was already on my mind when I watched LITA’s Top Tech Trends session from this year’s ALA (on … [Read more...]

Engage, Collaborate, Leverage

Davidson has a number of initiatives or hot topics that we like to pay particular attention to at any given point in time. Currently these include faculty and staff collaboration, community and civic engagement, and leveraging corporate partnerships. Being academics, we spend a fair bit of time participating in dialog about enhancing our ability to engage in these endeavors.   For example, I recently had the opportunity to attend a luncheon with other staff members and faculty that was sponsored … [Read more...]