Your friendly neighborhood librarians and archivists are world travelers. Since Fall 2018, several of our library staff members ventured to exciting places in partnership with classes. Enjoy the footage of their excursions! Part One We welcome you to share your journeys—both past and future—on our world map. Ready to embark on your next adventure? We will have even more inspiration on the shelves. Students selected materials … [Read more...]
Davidson Hosts College Library Director Mentoring Program Seminar
Over Spring Break, Davidson’s library hosted the annual seminar of the College Library Director Mentoring Program. This program, meant to provide new college library directors with mentors and a cohort, brought 17 new directors and three seminar leaders to campus. I also serve as a seminar leader. The curriculum over two-and-a-half days was intense, focusing on leadership development and big-picture thinking but also meeting participants’ needs for nitty-gritty management advice, too. The … [Read more...]
Higher Ed at Altitude: Notes from LOEX 2015
Cara Evanson and I attended the LOEX Conference last week in Denver, Colorado. LOEX is a conference focused on library instruction and information literacy. As always, the conference was excellent and we had trouble choosing which sessions to attend! Fortunately, with two of us attending this year, we were able to divide and conquer. We attended sessions on topics such as using primary source materials in instruction, advice from teachers turned librarians for improving instruction, and graphic … [Read more...]
ACRL Conference
Last week I attended the conference of the major professional society for academic librarians, the Association of College and Research Libraries. I’ve been to every one of their conferences, which are usually held every other year, since 1986. While there, I ran into a Davidson alum, Tammy Ivins, who was thoroughly enjoying the conference and finding much of relevance to her work. As someone who’s been in the profession much longer, though, I’m sorry to say I was rather disappointed. I went … [Read more...]
“Explicit” Searching
Every once in awhile I like to get down in the weeds of library geekdom, this is one of those days. I recently was pondering how index-searching functionality in many commercial information databases is flawed, and how this impacts user experience. There are often broad disparities in how vendors implement Boolean logic in advanced searching, which can make it quite difficult for users to effectively use their products. Wouldn’t it be great if all vendors used the same basic search … [Read more...]