“Explicit” Searching

Every once in awhile I like to get down in the weeds of library geekdom, this is one of those days. I recently was pondering how index-searching functionality in many commercial information databases is flawed, and how this impacts user experience. There are often broad disparities in how vendors implement Boolean logic in advanced searching, which can make it quite difficult for users to effectively use their products.    Wouldn’t it be great if all vendors used the same basic search … [Read more...]

I’ll Resist the Seinfeld Reference

I'm currently participating in Davidson’s first cohort of faculty, students and staff experimenting with Davidson Domains.   Davidson Domains is a program spearheaded by ITS and the Digital Studies program at Davidson: “which will provide every Davidson student a unique domain name and access to an open source platform like WordPress. The Web domain will serve as a foundation students’ online presence at Davidson and beyond. As students progress through the Davidson curriculum, they will learn … [Read more...]

Systems Librarian Faces the Innovation Challenge

The library has begun a discussion about excellence in relation to innovation. Forty years ago, simply automating manual processes was innovative! Handling textual data was cutting edge. As libraries began to adopt this new technology, a new breed of librarian emerged - the "systems librarian."  Keeping the "library catalog" (a euphemism for the integrated system that supports circulation, acquisition, and discovery of library resources) and the equipment to access the catalog up and running … [Read more...]

New Era for E.H. Little Library

Monday night, August 25th was the beginning of a new chapter in the life and history of E.H. Little Library.  For the first time, we did not perform our “usual” closing routine for the Library because access is now available for all Students, Faculty and Staff of Davidson twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a week.  We will continue to staff the library Information Desk for the same hours as we have in the past, with no change in patron service.  Patrons may check out items when the library is … [Read more...]

The Future of Library Technology as Foretold by Small Boys

Since joining academia my summers seem to be consumed with three kinds of activities: Finishing projects from the previous academic year. Pondering future projects and services, and in particular what the future of technology in our library should be. Keeping my school aged children occupied during summer vacation. I’ve attended three technology related conferences in the last month, so technology was already on my mind when I watched LITA’s Top Tech Trends session from this year’s ALA (on … [Read more...]