The entries are researched and written by archives staff and by Davidson College students. The initial entries were created by students in the fall of 2003 in Dr. Shireen Campbell’s English 101W; Literacies for the 21st Century course.
Advisory Statement
Jump to 1, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y
- Akers Hall
- Alma Mater
- Alternative Gift Market (Chaplain’s Office)
- Alumni Association Awards
- Anthropology Department
- Applied Psychology Building – Hamilton House
- Arboretum
- Art Department
- Arts and Communications Clubs (1860s-1940s)
- Athletics and Community Service
- Athletics Timeline
- Baker Sports Complex
- Barracks
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Beaver Dam
- Belk (Katherine and Tom) Visual Arts Center
- Belk Hall
- Bells
- Biology Department
- Blackwell Alumni House
- Blake, John Rennie
- Cake Race
- Cake Race – Winners
- Cannon Dormitory
- Carnegie Guest House
- Carnegie Library of Davidson College
- Carolina Inn
- Carolina Inn (History)
- Center for Civic Engagement
- Chambers Building – New
- Chambers Building – Old
- Chambers – The Old and the New
- Chaplain’s Office
- Chaplaincy Timeline
- Chemistry Department
- Chidsey Hall
- Clark, Tom
- Class Poems
- Coeducation
- College Bowl
- College Catalogs
- College History Timeline
- Colors
- Commencement at Davidson
- Court of Control
- Cunningham Theatre Center
- Cunningham, John R. – Presidential Portrait
- Cunningham, John Rood
- Dana Science Laboratory
- Dating at Davidson, 1880-1940s
- Davidson College Campus Buildings
- Davidson College Presbyterian Church
- Davidson College Presidential Portraits
- Davidson Monthly
- Davidson Outdoors
- Davidson, Chalmers
- Davidson, General William Lee
- Davidsonian
- Davidsonian Editors
- Dining at Davidson
- Dinner at Davidson & Big Talk (SGA)
- Diploma
- Dormitories
- Dormitory Row
- Duke Dormitory
- Eating Houses
- Economics Department
- Educational Studies Department
- Edwards, Bill -Legend
- Elm Row
- Encyclopedie (Diderot)
- English Department
- Erwin Lodge
- Eumenean Hall
- Extracurricular Activities – Activity Planning Boards
- Extracurricular Activities – Honorary Fraternities
- Extracurricular Activities – Independents
- Extracurricular Activities – Political and Social Justice Groups
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Student-Athlete Advisory Council
- Fire in Belk Dormitory – Articles
- Fire in Eu & Phi Halls – Articles
- Fire in Old Chambers – Photographs
- Fire in Old Chambers – Primary Sources
- Fire in Watts Dormitory- Photographs
- Fires at Davidson College
- Flickerball
- Football
- Fraternities at Davidson College
- French & Francophone Studies Department
- Freshman Beanies and Pins
- Freshman Regulations
- Georgia Dormitory
- German Studies Department
- Glasgow House
- Governors
- Grey College Union
- Grey House
- Grey Library
- Harding House
- Hazing
- Hepburn, Andrew D. Presidential Portrait
- Hepburn, Andrew Dousa
- Hill, Daniel Harvey
- Hispanic Studies Department
- Historic Buildings
- History Department
- Hobart Park
- Hobart Park (magazine)
- Homecoming
- Homecoming Results
- Honor
- Honorary Fraternities
- Humanities Program
- Hunter-Hamilton Love of Teaching Award
- Jackson Court
- Jackson, Thomas (Stonewall)
- Johnston Gym & Knobloch Campus Center
- Johnston Gym Articles
- Johnston House
- Journey to Nicaragua
- July Experience
- July Experience Diploma
- Junior Speaking
- Junior Year Abroad
- Kelley Program in Historical Studies
- Kirkpatrick, John L. – Presidential Portrait
- Kirkpatrick, John Lycan
- Knobloch Campus Center
- Knox Hall
- Kuykendall, John W. – Presidential Portrait
- Kuykendall, John Wells
- Lacy, Drury
- Lacy, Drury – Presidential Portrait
- Lake Campus & Lake Wiley
- Laundry
- Libertas
- Libraries of Davidson College
- Lingle Manor
- Lingle, Walter L. – Presidential Portrait
- Lingle, Walter Lee
- Literary Societies
- Little Hall
- Little Library
- Little Library
- Little, Edward Herman
- Lula Bell Houston Laundry
- Mace
- Mace – Pictures
- Manual Labor
- Martin Chemical Laboratory
- Martin Chemical Laboratory New
- Martin Chemical Laboratory Old
- Martin Court
- Martin, , William Joseph, Jr. – Presidential Portrait
- Martin, D. Grier – Presidential Portrait
- Martin, David Grier
- Martin, William Joseph, Jr.
- Mary Irwin Belk Hall
- Masters Degree at Davidson
- Mathematics Department
- Maxwell Chambers Day
- McKinnon, Luther
- McKinnon, Luther – Presidential Portrait
- McPhail, George W. – Presidential Portrait
- McPhail, George Wilson
- Men’s Basketball and Service
- Men’s Basketball Coaches
- Men’s Basketball Press
- Men’s Basketball Team Pictures
- Morrison Hall
- Morrison Hall – YMCA
- Morrison, Robert Hall
- Morrison, Robert Hall – Presidential Portrait
- Newell (Samuel W.) Building
- Ney (Poem) – Martha Hampton
- Ney (Poem)- Mary Young
- Ney, Peter Stuart
- North Carolina Medical College
- Patterson Court
- Patterson Court – History
- Patterson Court and Service
- Patterson Court Occupants By Location
- Patterson Court Occupants by Type
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Phi Beta Kappa – Original Student Members
- Philanthropic Hall
- Philosophy Department
- Phonathon (SGA)
- Physics Department
- President’s House
- President’s House – Louisiana
- Presidents of Davidson College
- Preyer Infirmary
- Religious Studies at Davidson
- Residence Life
- Richardson Hall
- Ross, Thomas Warren
- Rumple Dormitory
- Rusk Eating House
- Rusk Eating House – Presidents
- Rusk, Dean
- Russian Department
- Salutatorians at Davidson
- Sandifer, Myron G.
- Sayyid, Omar Ibn
- Sayyid, Omar Ibn – Manuscripts
- Sayyid, Omar Ibn – Restored Bible Pages
- Scripts ‘N Pranks
- Senior and Sophomore Apartments
- Sentelle Hall
- Service Learning
- Shaw, Cornelia
- Shearer Hall
- Shearer, John Bunyan
- Shearer, John Bunyan – Presidential Portrait
- Ships – WW II
- Sloan Music Center
- Smith House
- Smith, Henry Louis
- Smith, Henry Louis – Presidential Portrait
- Soccer
- Solidarity Committee (SGA)
- Sparrow’s Nest
- Spencer, Samuel R. – Presidential Portrait
- Spencer, Samuel Reid, Jr.
- Stapleton-Davidson Urban Service Internship
- Statement of Purpose
- Steward’s Hall
- Stewards
- Stowe Tennis House
- Student Body Presidents
- Student Government Association and Service
- Student Government at Davidson
- Student Health Center
- Terry, William Holt
- Terry, William Holt : 2000-2015
- Terry, William Holt: 1950-1959
- Terry, William Holt: 1960-1969
- Terry, William Holt: 1970-1979
- Terry, William Holt: 1980-1989
- Terry, William Holt: 1990-1999
- Theatre
- Tomlinson Hall
- Vagt, Robert Fredrick
- Vagt, Robert Fredrick – Presidential Portrait
- Vail Commons
- Vail Commons – History
- Valedictorians at Davidson
- Varsity Athletics
- Visual Arts Center
- Wall Academic Center
- War Casualties
- War College
- Watson Life Sciences
- Watts Hall
- Wells
- Wells – Poem
- West Hall
- Wildcat
- Wildcat – Costume
- Wildcat – Live Mascots
- Wildcat – Logos by Decade
- Wildcat – Memorabilia
- Wildcat Handbook
- Wildcat Handbook Covers
- Wildcat Prank
- Williamson, Samuel
- Williamson, Samuel – Presidential Portrait
- Wilson Woodrow – Bulletin
- Wilson, Woodrow
- Wilson, Woodrow – Pamphlet
- Women’s Athletics
- Women’s Athletics and Service
- Women’s Basketball Coaches
- Women’s Basketball Pictures